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A bipartisan bill from Washington 17th District Rep. Kevin Waters that will boost the state’s efforts to remove fish barriers in Washington is set to become law later this year after the governor signed it on Monday.  House Bill 2045 will facilitate the removal of fish barriers on lands owned by local governments by creating the “Adopt a Fish Barrier” program, through which local governments may receive private donations.  The legislation will allow coordination with current fish barrier programs to pair donations with grant applications already in progress.  The Recreation and Conservation Office will keep a list of projects suited to receiving private donations so a person can choose which project they want to donate to.  Donations of $10,000 or more would be recognized with a sign at the corrected barrier.  Donations of $100,000 or more would also receive a plaque signed by the governor with their name, the location of the project, the amount and year of the donation, and the fish species benefitting from their donation.


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