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Earth Day: April 22, 2023

Press Release Number: CB23-SFS.53

From The American Presidency Project, Proclamation 4287—Earth Week, 1974:

“To love America is not to care only for her freedoms, her promise, her institutions through which our great people strive for larger greatness. It is also to love the land and to cherish that which has sustained our people both in body and spirit from our earliest days on this vast continent.

“In recent times we have understood that however rich and beautiful, our land is finite and that our waters and air must be used as any other resource—with care and respect for their value. The celebration of Earth Day in 1970 was the first national acknowledgement of this understanding, and in the succeeding four years we have done much to insure that America the beautiful—the heritage of our generation—will be preserved and passed on as a legacy to generations yet unborn.”


April 22, 2023, marks the 53rd anniversary and 54th observance of Earth Day, a day intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s natural environment. In 1969, organizers started Earth Day in response to a massive oil spill in waters near Santa Barbara, California. To celebrate, this edition of Stats for Stories presents U.S. Census Bureau statistics about energy and the environment.

Photo:  Earth Day

Key Stats

Note: Click on the images above for the full infographics.

More Stats

From the Newsroom / Stats for Stories (SFS):

From the Statistics in Schools (SIS) program:

Stats by Topics

Electric Power Generation, including Renewable Energy:

Source: 2021 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year estimates.

  • NAICS 2211, Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
  • NAICS 22111, Electric Power Generation
  • NAICS 221111, Hydroelectric Power Generation
  • NAICS 221112, Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation
  • NAICS 221113, Nuclear Electric Power Generation
  • NAICS 221114, Solar Electric Power Generation
  • NAICS 221115, Wind Electric Power Generation
  • NAICS 221116, Geothermal Electric Power Generation
  • NAICS 221117, Biomass Electric Power Generation
  • NAICS 221118, Other Electric Power Generation
  • NAICS 22112, Electric Power Transmission, Control, and Distribution

Source: 2017 Economic Census.

Commuting to Work:

Source: 2021 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year estimates.

Means of transportation to work, including carpool and public transportation for the United States.

Means of transportation and travel time to work, including carpool, public transportation, bicycle, and walked, for the United States.

Working in Earth-Related Fields:

Building a House:

From Census.gov  >  Business and Economy  >  Economic Indicators  >  New Residential Construction:

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:

Source: 2017 Economic Census.


Source: Quarterly Services Survey (QSS) 2010-2023.

Source: 2020 Service Annual Survey (SAS) and administrative data. The table below includes NAICS 485, Transit and ground passenger transportation, NAICS 5621, Waste collection, and NAICS 5622, Waste treatment and disposal.

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Page Last Revised - April 17, 2023
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