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Leif Erikson Day (Nordic-American heritage): October 9, 2023

Press Release Number: CB23-SFS.151

From Nordic Co-operation: “Did you know that the Nordic Region has one of the largest economies in the world? Or that the Nordic countries have enjoyed free movement of labour for more than 60 years? Here are 10 facts about the Nordic Region and Nordic co-operation…”


From The American Presidency Project, Proclamation 3610—Leif Erikson Day, 1964: “Whereas Leif Erikson, Norseman, son of Erik the Red and great seafarer, in the year 1000 valiantly explored the shores of the American Continent; and

“Whereas the intrepid exploits of the Vikings of Erikson's time strike a responsive chord in the hearts of all the American people, who as a nation are today embarked upon an adventurous exploration of the unfathomed realms of space; and

“Whereas many of our citizens of Scandinavian descent take inspiration from and annually celebrate Leif Erikson's momentous voyage; and

“Whereas the Congress of the United States by a joint resolution approved September 2, 1964, has authorized the President of the United States to proclaim October 9 in each year as Leif Erikson Day: …” 

Key Stats

Source: 2022 American Community Survey (ACS), 1-year estimates

Note: The table image above is modified from data.census.gov Table B04006 to show the five Nordic ancestries plus Scandinavian, which includes Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish.

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From Business and Economy  /  International Trade Data:

Note: After you create an account, select options for “State Export Data (Origin of Movement)” or “State Import Data (State of Destination)” by “Harmonized System (HS)” or “NAICS.” Select “State,” “Measures,” “Commodity,” “Country” (select Country) or “Time” for data. More information can be found in the Quick Start Guide. USA Trade Online does not provide direct links to the data.

Source: 2022 American Community Survey (ACS), 1-year estimates

  • Danish
  • Finnish
  • Norwegian
  • Scandinavian (Danish, Norwegian and Swedish)
  • Swedish

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Page Last Revised - November 1, 2023
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