1 | | | Adaptation of an Evidence-Based Cardiovascular Health Intervention for Rural African Americans in the Southeast | | 2019 | 60404 | Articles |
2 | | | Black Resilience - Broadening the Narrative and the Science on Cardiovascular Health and Disease Disparities | | 2020 | 59499 | Articles |
3 | | | A Cardiovascular Health and Wellness Mobile Health Intervention Among Church-Going African Americans | Formative Evaluation of the FAITH! App | 2020 | 60399 | Articles |
4 | | | The Development of Health for Hearts United | A Longitudinal Church-Based Intervention to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk in Mid-Life and Older African Americans | 2017 | 45261 | Articles |
5 | | | Effectiveness of a Walking Group Intervention to Promote Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health in Predominantly Non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic Urban Neighborhoods | Findings from the Walk Your Heart to Health Intervention | 2015 | 60405 | Articles |
6 | | | Impact of a Pharmacist-Led Intervention on 30-Day Readmission and Assessment of Factors Predictive of Readmission in African American Men With Heart Failure | | 2019 | 52245 | Articles |
7 | | | Impact of Technology-Based Intervention for Improving Self-Management Behaviors in Black Adults with Poor Cardiovascular Health | A Randomized Control Trial | 2021 | 60401 | Articles |
8 | | | Improvements in Diet and Physical Activity-Related Psychosocial Factors Among African Americans Using a Mobile Health Lifestyle Intervention to Promote Cardiovascular Health | The FAITH! (Fostering African American Improvement in Total Health) App Pilot Study | 2021 | 60402 | Articles |
9 | | | Nutrition Intervention for Reduction of Cardiovascular Risk in African Americans Using the 2019 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Primary Prevention Guidelines | | 2021 | 58855 | Articles |
10 | | | An Open-Source Privacy-Preserving Large-Scale Mobile Framework for Cardiovascular Health Monitoring and Intervention Planning With an Urban African American Population of Young Adults | User-Centered Design Approach | 2022 | 60403 | Articles |
11 | | | Promoting Cardiovascular Health and Wellness Among African-Americans | Community Participatory Approach to Design an Innovative Mobile-Health Intervention | 2019 | 60396 | Articles |
12 | | | Reducing Cardiovascular Disparities through Community-Engaged Implementation Research | A National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Workshop Report | 2018 | 58433 | Articles |
13 | | | Stroke Outreach in an Inner City Market | A Platform for Identifying African American Males for Stroke Prevention Interventions | 2015 | 41587 | Articles |
14 | | | Using Focus Groups to Inform the Development of Stroke Recovery and Prevention Programs for Younger African-American (AA) Men | | 2015 | 60398 | Articles |