The Importance of a Mental Health-Friendly Work Culture
Approximately 1 in 5 Americans experiences a mental health condition each year. For many of these individuals—and many without mental health conditions—work is key to their health, contributing to a sense of purpose and well-being. This is why it's important that employers understand how to foster a mental health-friendly work culture.
The benefits extend beyond employees. Workplace practices supportive of people with disabilities, whether those disabilities are obvious or not, can deliver numerous bottom-line advantages, including greater productivity, reduced insurance costs and improved employee retention and morale.
A number of resources are available to help ensure that disability-related policies and practices in the workplace consider the needs of people with mental health conditions.
PSA Campaign - Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do?
Explore the Campaign for Disability Employment's "Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do?" campaign. Featuring a series of video public service announcements (PSAs), free posters and a Workplace Mental Health Guide (for mail order or download), the campaign's tools are designed to educate company leaders, managers, co-workers and people with mental health conditions about the roles we all can play in promoting a mental health-friendly workplace.
Discover additional resources that will help you foster a mental health-friendly work culture whether you are an employer, individual, service provider, policymaker or youth/young adult.