Current Readings
- 0.84 ft ABOVE normal
- Pool elevation is 478.84 feet on 04MAR2025 14:00 hours.
- At this elevation the total amount of water stored in Wister Lake is 56798 acre-feet.
- Reservoir release is 1304 cubic feet per second on Tuesday 04Mar2025 14:00.
- Flood pool is 1.74% full.
- Flood pool storage filled is 5897 acre-feet which is equivalent to 0.11 inches of runoff over the entire drainage basin.
- Flood pool storage empty is 333416 acre-feet which is equivalent to 6.3 inches of runoff over the entire drainage basin.
Gate Change
Conditions at the time of Gate Change- Tuesday, 04 Mar 2025 1120
- Pool Elevation = 478.79 feet.
- Total Release = 1303 (cfs)
- Gate Release = 1303 (cfs)
- Unregulated Release = 0 (cfs)
- Gate Settings:
- 6 Conduit Gates open 1.0 FT
Evaporation Data
- 0.164 inches - 04MAR2025 @ 07:00
Reservoir Data
Elevation | Incremental Storage | Cumulative Storage | |||
(feet) | (inches of runoff)* | (acre-feet) | (inches of runoff)* | (acre-feet) | |
Surcharge Pool: | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Flood Control Pool: | 502.50 | 6.41 | 339313 | 7.37 | 390215 |
Conservation Pool: | 478.00 | 0.96 | 50737 | 0.96 | 50902 |
Inactive Pool: | 450.00 | 0.00 | 165 | 0.00 | 165 |
Streambed Elevation: 428.50 feet.
Top of Dam Elevation: 527.50 feet.
* Values in the above "inches of runoff" column are based on a contributing drainage area of 993.0 square miles.
Longitude: -94° 43' 10 Latitude: 34° 56' 10
Map of Wister Lake Dam
Links for More Information
of Measured and Calculated Lake ParametersWister Lake near Wister, OK
Go to Tulsa District Water Control Home Page.
Disclaimer:These pages are subject to change.Last Page Update: Tuesday, 04 Mar 2025 15:04