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The Incandescent Light Bulb (1879): October 22-23, 2023

Press Release Number: CB23-SFS.153

According to the Thomas Edison National Historical Park, “In 1879, he made an incandescent bulb that burned long enough to be practical, long enough to light a home for many hours. Then he and his ‘muckers’ invented the entire system needed to bring electricity into your home — dynamos to make the electric power, wires and fuses, switches to turn the lights on and off. He invented the electric power system.”

Note: Scroll down this page for Edison Notebook #52, page 105, start of notes on Oct. 22, 1879, and page 115, showing that No. 9 cotton thread lasted 14 1/2 hours on Oct 23, 1879.

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  • NAICS 3351, Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing
  • NAICS 33511, Electric Lamp Bulb and Part Manufacturing
  • NAICS 33512, Lighting Fixture Manufacturing

Source: 1978-2021 Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS) 

Source: 2020 Annual Business Survey (ABS) 

Source: 2017 Economic Census

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Edison Notebook Series — Menlo Park Notebooks: Notebook #52 N-79-07-31 (1879-1880)

“This notebook covers the period July 1879–January 1880. Most of the entries are by Charles Batchelor. There are also entries by Edison and A. Poinier. The name of James Seymour appears occasionally as a witness. The first part of the book contains notes and drawings of experiments on metal filaments. Many relate to insulating materials used for coating the filaments. The second part of the book contains notes and drawings relating to the important series of experiments conducted in October 1879, which led to the invention of the carbon filament lamp. There are also notes and drawings documenting the development of the carbon filament through the end of 1879…”

“Blank pages not filmed: 54–55, 108–109. Missing page numbers: 217–218.”

“Courtesy of Thomas Edison National Historical Park.”

Page Last Revised - October 19, 2023
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