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National Arbor Day: April 28, 2023

Press Release Number: CB23-SFS.60

From The American Presidency Project, Proclamation 4126—National Arbor Day:

“April of this year [1972] marks the 100th anniversary of Arbor Day, an observance that holds as much significance for the future as it does for the past.

“On a monument erected in Nebraska City to commemorate the founding father of this celebration, J. Sterling Morton, there is this inscription: ‘Other Holidays Repose Upon The Past; Arbor Day Proposes For The Future.’ So it does, for the planting of trees is an action that yields a long-range benefit on generations to come. Arbor Day uniquely symbolizes the truth that the earth belongs to every generation, not just to ours.

“Einstein is believed to have said that a person should put back into this world at least as much as he takes out of it. The best available evidence suggests that an individual American, in his lifetime, uses the wood produced by some 200 mature trees. It is probably too much to expect that each American plant that many trees, but it is not too much to ask that each American assume a large, personal responsibility for renewing and preserving our environmental heritage.”

Key Stats

Source: 2021 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year estimates.

Note: These are modified images of the original table to highlight male and female forestry occupations. Click on either image for the full table.

More Stats

From Census.gov > Business & Economy > Construction Spending (since 1964):

From Census.gov > Business and Economy > Retail > Monthly Retail Trade (1992-2023):

Source: 1978-2020 Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS)

  • NAICS 11, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
  • NAICS 113, Forestry and Logging
  • NAICS 1131, Timber Tract Operations
  • NAICS 1132, Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products
  • NAICS 1133, Logging
  • NAICS 42331, Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, and Wood Panel Merchant Wholesalers

From the 2017 Economic Census:

From Business and Economy  >  International Trade Data:

After you create an account, select options for Harmonized System (HS) or HS, select Exports or Imports, type “tree” in the Commodity search box, then select options for geography and time. Select Report for data. More information can be found in the Quick Start Guide.

From the Library:

From the Newsroom > Stats for Stories (SFS)

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Page Last Revised - April 24, 2023
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