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Below is a list of community banks that have indicated the ability to open accounts remotely with a starting balance of $25 or less. Please reach out to your chosen bank to verify the exact process and requirements of opening a new account.
Bank Name | State |
Bank of Little Rock | Arkansas |
FOCUS Bank | Arkansas, Missouri |
BAC Community Bank | California |
Bank of Colorado | Colorado |
Provident State Bank | Delaware, Maryland |
Madison County Community Bank | Florida |
Pacific National Bank | Florida |
PrimeSouth Bank | Georgia |
Belmont Bank | Illinois |
Devon Bank | Illinois |
First Savings Bank of Hegewisch | Illinois |
Springs Valley Bank & Trust | Indiana |
Heartland Bank | Iowa |
Citizens First Bank | Iowa |
Farmers State Bank | Iowa |
BankIowa | Iowa |
Bridge Community Bank | Iowa |
Farmers State Bank | Iowa |
Success Bank | Iowa |
American Bank | Iowa |
Security State Bank | Kansas |
Grant County Bank | Kansas |
Community National Bank | Kansas |
Bank of the Bluegrass & Trust Co. | Kentucky |
The Citizens Bank | Kentucky |
Homeland Federal Savings Bank | Louisiana |
Arundel Federal Savings Bank | Maryland |
Bank of Easton | Massachusetts |
Pentucket Bank | Massachusetts |
Dean Bank | Massachusetts |
Dedham Savings | Massachusetts |
Norwood Bank | Massachusetts |
Highpoint Community Bank | Michigan |
First Independence Bank | Michigan |
United Community Bank | Minnesota |