Parent/Guardian Needs Assessment 2024-2025
Hello Stratford Landing Families! We are excited to start our 2024-2025 school year with you all! We have plenty of new and eager staff here for your support. Through this survey, we will gather information to see how we can best support you as a school. Please fill this out as thoroughly as possible. Your answers will remain confidential. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns.
¡Hola familias de Stratford Landing! ¡Estamos emocionados de comenzar nuestro año escolar 2024-2025 con todos ustedes! Contamos con mucho personal nuevo y aqui para apoyarte. A través de esta encuesta,  encontraremos  información para ver cómo podemos apoyarlos mejor como escuela. Por favor complete esto lo más detalladamente posible. Sus respuestas serán confidenciales. Póngase en contacto con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud.

Haruka Hopp, Family Liaison/ Enlace familiar-
Mersal Shaker, School Counselor/ Consejera Escolar -
Raina Roop, School CounselorConsejera Escolar -
Kristina Jorden, Social Worker/ Trabajadora  
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Email *
Name / Nombre *
Student (s) name (s)/ Nombre(s) de estudiante(s)
Please choose a language *
What is the best way for Stratford Landing to keep in touch and share information with you and your family? (check all that apply)  *
What is your preferred language? *
Do you need assistance in any of the following areas? (check all that apply)
Are you a member of the Stratford Landing Elementary PTA (Parent Teacher Association)?  /  ¿Es usted miembro de la PTA (Asociación de padres y maestros) de Stratford Landing Elementary?
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What family/parent engagement activities are you most likely to participate in? (check all that apply)
What is the best day of the week for you to attend a parent education workshop at Stratford Landing Elementary?
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What is the best time for you to attend workshops or presentations geared towards parents? 
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What topic(s) would you like to learn more about? (check all that apply)
What are some other ways Stratford Landing can support you and your family? 
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