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Merge pull request from GHSA-5p3g-j69g-w2mq
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* Implement unimplemented methods

* Check the dialog response

* Support cancellation

* Add some clarifying comments

* Couple more comments
  • Loading branch information
davidmhewitt committed Mar 9, 2021
1 parent 84371a4 commit 86500e6
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Showing 2 changed files with 89 additions and 33 deletions.
23 changes: 5 additions & 18 deletions src/PairDialog.vala
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ public class PairDialog : Granite.MessageDialog {
public ObjectPath object_path { get; construct; }
public AuthType auth_type { get; construct; }
public string passkey { get; construct; }
public bool cancelled { get; set; }

// Un-used default constructor
private PairDialog () {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,13 +94,17 @@ public class PairDialog : Granite.MessageDialog {
badge_icon = new ThemedIcon ("dialog-password");
secondary_text = _("Make sure the code displayed on “%s” matches the one below.").printf (device_name);

var confirm_button = add_button (_("Pair"), Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT);
confirm_button.get_style_context ().add_class (Gtk.STYLE_CLASS_SUGGESTED_ACTION);
badge_icon = new ThemedIcon ("dialog-password");
secondary_text = _("%s” would like to pair with this device. Make sure the code displayed on “%s” matches the one below.").printf (device_name, device_name);

var confirm_button = add_button (_("Pair"), Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT);
confirm_button.get_style_context ().add_class (Gtk.STYLE_CLASS_SUGGESTED_ACTION);
badge_icon = new ThemedIcon ("dialog-password");
secondary_text = _("Type the code displayed below on “%s”, followed by Enter.").printf (device_name);
Expand All @@ -122,23 +127,5 @@ public class PairDialog : Granite.MessageDialog {

modal = true;

response.connect ((response_id) => {
switch (response_id) {
case Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT:
device.pair.begin ();
case Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL:
destroy ();

((DBusProxy)device).g_properties_changed.connect ((changed, invalid) => {
var paired = changed.lookup_value ("Paired", new VariantType ("b"));
if (paired != null && device.paired) {
destroy ();
99 changes: 84 additions & 15 deletions src/Services/Agent.vala
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ public class Bluetooth.Services.Agent : Object {
private const string PATH = "/org/bluez/agent/elementary";
Gtk.Window? main_window;

private PairDialog pair_dialog;

[DBus (visible=false)]
public Agent (Gtk.Window? main_window) {
this.main_window = main_window;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,37 +62,104 @@ public class Bluetooth.Services.Agent : Object {
unregistered ();

public string request_pin_code (ObjectPath device) throws Error, BluezError {
return "";
public async string request_pin_code (ObjectPath device) throws Error, BluezError {
throw new BluezError.REJECTED ("Pairing method not supported");

public void display_pin_code (ObjectPath device, string pincode) throws Error, BluezError {
var pair_dialog = new PairDialog.display_pin_code (device, pincode, main_window);
// Called to display a pin code on-screen that needs to be entered on the other device. Can return
// instantly
public async void display_pin_code (ObjectPath device, string pincode) throws Error, BluezError {
pair_dialog = new PairDialog.display_pin_code (device, pincode, main_window);
pair_dialog.present ();

public uint32 request_passkey (ObjectPath device) throws Error, BluezError {
return 0;
public async uint32 request_passkey (ObjectPath device) throws Error, BluezError {
throw new BluezError.REJECTED ("Pairing method not supported");

public void display_passkey (ObjectPath device, uint32 passkey, uint16 entered) throws Error {
var pair_dialog = new PairDialog.display_passkey (device, passkey, entered, main_window);
// Called to display a passkey on-screen that needs to be entered on the other device. Can return
// instantly
public async void display_passkey (ObjectPath device, uint32 passkey, uint16 entered) throws Error {
pair_dialog = new PairDialog.display_passkey (device, passkey, entered, main_window);
pair_dialog.present ();

public void request_confirmation (ObjectPath device, uint32 passkey) throws Error, BluezError {
var pair_dialog = new PairDialog.request_confirmation (device, passkey, main_window);
pair_dialog.present ();
// Called to request confirmation from the user that they want to pair with the given device and that
// the passkey matches. **MUST** throw BluezError if pairing is to be rejected. This is handled in
// `check_pairing_response`. If the method returns without an error, pairing is authorized
public async void request_confirmation (ObjectPath device, uint32 passkey) throws Error, BluezError {
pair_dialog = new PairDialog.request_confirmation (device, passkey, main_window);
yield check_pairing_response (pair_dialog);

public void request_authorization (ObjectPath device) throws Error, BluezError {
var pair_dialog = new PairDialog.request_authorization (device, main_window);
pair_dialog.present ();
// Called to request confirmation from the user that they want to pair with the given device
// **MUST** throw BluezError if pairing is to be rejected. This is handled in `check_pairing_response`
// If the method returns without an error, pairing is authorized
public async void request_authorization (ObjectPath device) throws Error, BluezError {
pair_dialog = new PairDialog.request_authorization (device, main_window);
yield check_pairing_response (pair_dialog);

public void authorize_service (ObjectPath device, string uuid) throws Error, BluezError {
// Called to authorize the use of a specific service (Audio/HID/etc), so we restrict this to paired
// devices only
public void authorize_service (ObjectPath device_path, string uuid) throws Error, BluezError {
var device = get_device_from_object_path (device_path);

bool paired = device.paired;
bool trusted = device.trusted;

// Shouldn't really happen as trusted devices should be automatically authorized, but lets handle it anyway
if (paired && trusted) {
// allow

// A device that has been paired, but not yet trusted, trust it and allow it to access
// services
if (paired && !trusted) {
device.trusted = true;
// allow

// Reject everything else
throw new BluezError.REJECTED ("Rejecting service auth, not paired or trusted");

public void cancel () throws Error {
if (pair_dialog != null) {
pair_dialog.cancelled = true;
pair_dialog.destroy ();

private async void check_pairing_response (PairDialog dialog) throws BluezError {
SourceFunc callback = check_pairing_response.callback;
BluezError? error = null;

dialog.response.connect ((response) => {
if (response != Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT || dialog.cancelled) {
if (dialog.cancelled) {
error = new BluezError.CANCELED ("Pairing cancelled");
} else {
error = new BluezError.REJECTED ("Pairing rejected");

Idle.add ((owned)callback);
dialog.destroy ();

dialog.present ();


if (error != null) {
throw error;

private Device get_device_from_object_path (ObjectPath object_path) throws GLib.Error {
return Bus.get_proxy_sync<Device> (BusType.SYSTEM, "org.bluez", object_path, DBusProxyFlags.GET_INVALIDATED_PROPERTIES);

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