House Reading Calendars
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47th LEGISLATIVE DAY February 21, 2025
11 A.M.
Bill Number Sponsor Description
H 226 Manwaring(29) by WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE – MINES AND MINING – Amends and adds to existing law to provide for the adjustment of line license tax allocations, the expenditures of reclamation funds, voluntary contributions, the establishment of an advisory committee, the responsibilities of the department of lands, and the setting of reclamation priorities.
H 152 Ehlers(21) by BUSINESS COMMITTEE – DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSES – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the division administrator’s authority to address board and commission cash balances.
H 153 Wheeler(35) by BUSINESS COMMITTEE – ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS AND JOURNEYMEN – Amends existing law to provide for dual master electrician and journeyman electrician licensure issuance.
H 181 Ehlers(21) by BUSINESS COMMITTEE – CREDIT UNIONS – Amends existing law to provide that a credit union shall deliver articles of incorporation to the Secretary of State.
H 158 Ehardt(33) by JUDICIARY, RULES AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE – PRODUCTION OF EVIDENCE – Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding media source confidentiality.
H 187 Shirts(9) by JUDICIARY, RULES AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE – PROBATION AND PAROLE – Amends and adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding advisement to certain probationers and parolees regarding conditions of probation or parole.
HR 3 Mickelsen(32) by STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE – ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO – Proposes an amendment to House Rule 40 to prohibit the consumption of tobacco and alcohol in the House chamber or gallery while the House is in session.
H 25 Palmer(20) by REVENUE AND TAXATION COMMITTEE – SALES TAX – Amends existing law to provide for the distribution of certain sales tax revenues to the transportation expansion and congestion mitigation fund and to local units of government for highway projects.
H 220 Erickson(33) by HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE – BEHAVIORAL HEALTH – Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to revise provisions regarding behavioral health services.
H 245 Monks(22)
by HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE – FOSTER CARE – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding extended and continued care and to revise provisions regarding relative foster care.
H 177 Miller(24) by STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE – LEGAL TENDER – Adds to existing law to provide that gold and silver coin and specie shall be legal tender and to provide that no person or entity may compel another person or entity to tender or accept gold or silver coin or specie.
11 A.M.
Bill Number Sponsor Description
H 88 Raybould(34) by JUDICIARY, RULES AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE – COMMERCIAL SEXUAL ACTIVITY – Amends existing law to provide that soliciting commercial sexual activity shall be a felony.
H 176 Manwaring(29) by EDUCATION COMMITTEE – MEDICAL EDUCATION – Amends and adds to existing law to revise provisions regarding medical education programs supported by Idaho state funds and to provide for WWAMI program transition.
H 134 Green(18)
by HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE – HEALTH – Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding breast cancer screening.
H 148 Bruce(23) by STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE – CONSTITUTIONAL DEFENSE COUNCIL – Adds to existing law to provide assistance to individuals litigating against the federal government.
H 122 Ehlers(21) by BUSINESS COMMITTEE – BARBERS AND COSMETOLOGISTS – Amends and repeals existing law to provide for the de-licensure of makeover and glamour photography businesses.
H 149 Bruce(23) by BUSINESS COMMITTEE – RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE PRACTICES – Adds to existing law to provide for consumer privacy in mortgage applications.
H 151 Crane(12) by BUSINESS COMMITTEE – OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING REFORM ACT – Repeals and adds to existing law to provide for certain reporting requirements to be made by state agencies that are licensing authorities.
H 91 Redman(3) by HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE – DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE – Amends and repeals existing law to remove provisions that the Department of Health and Welfare has identified as obsolete or superfluous.
H 110 Redman(3) by HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE – MEDICAID – Adds to existing law to provide that the Department of Health and Welfare shall not prohibit licensed or registered health care providers from providing services covered by the state Medicaid program.
H 133 Beiswenger(8) by HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE – TOBACCO PRODUCTS AND ELECTRONIC SMOKING DEVICES – Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding clean indoor air and prevention of minors’ access to tobacco products and electronic smoking devices.
H 198 Leavitt(25) by HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE – LABORATORIES – Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding laboratories.
H 199 Vander Woude(22) by HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE – REFUGEES – Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding refugee medical assistance.
H 223 Barbieri(3) by STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE – IDAHO ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE ACT – Amends existing law to remove provisions regarding legislative review of rules and to revise provisions regarding legislative review of rules.
H 99 Mendive(5) by TRANSPORTATION AND DEFENSE COMMITTEE – DRIVER TRAINING – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding Class D driver’s training instruction permits and Class D supervised instruction permits.
H 174 Boyle(9) by TRANSPORTATION AND DEFENSE COMMITTEE – MOTOR VEHICLE TOWING – Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding motor vehicle towing.
H 204 Pickett(27) by TRANSPORTATION AND DEFENSE COMMITTEE – MOTOR VEHICLES – Amends and adds to existing law to establish a World Famous Idaho Potatoes black license plate and a World Famous Idaho Potatoes white license plate.
H 180 Vander Woude(22) by LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE – BROADBAND INFRASTRUCTURE – Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to provide for the timing of the permitting process relating to broadband infrastructure.
H 208 Sauter(1) by LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE – FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTS – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the consolidation of fire protection districts.
H 212 Pickett(27) by LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE – PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICTS – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the petition to propose a library district.
H 28 Healey(15) by HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE – DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSES – Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to provide for the Idaho Board of Long-Term Care Facility Administrators.
H 90 Vander Woude(22) by HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE – PUBLIC ASSISTANCE – Amends existing law to require legislative action for certain changes to public assistance programs.
H 200 Redman(3) by HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE – PHARMACISTS – Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to update provisions regarding the practice of pharmacy in Idaho.
H 236 Dygert(23) by EDUCATION COMMITTEE – EDUCATION – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding denial of school attendance and denial of transfer enrollment applications.
H 230 Hill(14) by STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE – INDECENT SEXUAL EXHIBITIONS AND CIVIL ACTIONS – Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding a civil action following an indecent sexual exhibition.
H 130 Tanner(14) by REVENUE AND TAXATION COMMITTEE – PROPERTY TAXES – Amends existing law to provide that a county board of equalization may exempt the property of certain hospitals from property taxes.
HR 7 Mitchell(6) by WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE – RULE APPROVAL – HOUSE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE – States findings of the Legislature and provides that all pending rules of the Idaho Transportation Department have been reviewed and approved by the House Transportation Committee.
HJM 2 Horman(32) by ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE – ENERGY – States findings of the Legislature and urges federal lawmakers to work in good faith to reform federal permitting and environmental review processes to expedite the deployment of modern energy infrastructure.
HJM 5 Clow(25)
by ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE – LAVA RIDGE – States findings of the Legislature, expresses concern and opposition towards the Lava Ridge wind energy project, and requests additional federal intervention.
HJM 4 Raymond(31) by RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE – GRIZZLY BEAR – States findings of the Legislature and calls upon the federal government to delist grizzly bears and review the Endangered Species Act.
HJM 6 Sauter(1) by RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE – EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE ACT – States findings of the Legislature and calls on Congress to amend the Equal Access to Justice Act.
HCR 8 Clow(25)
by ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE – LAVA RIDGE – States findings of the Legislature, expresses concern and opposition towards the Lava Ridge wind energy project, and requests that the State of Idaho monitor the project and assist in applicable reviews.
HCR 6 Raybould(34) by STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE – IDAHO-TAIWAN RELATIONSHIP – States findings of the Legislature and expresses support for Idaho’s partnership with Taiwan.
HCR 7 Shirts(9) by BUSINESS COMMITTEE – INSURANCE – States findings of the Legislature and reaffirms support for state-based title insurance regulation.
HCR 9 Redman(3) by JUDICIARY, RULES AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE – COMMISSIONERS REPRESENTING THE STATE OF IDAHO AT AN ARTICLE V CONVENTION – States findings of the Legislature and establishes provisions regarding Commissioners representing the State of Idaho at an Article V Convention of the States.
HCR 10 Redman(3) by JUDICIARY, RULES AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE – ARTICLE V CONVENTION – States findings of the Legislature and makes three separate applications to the United States Congress to call a convention of the states under Article V of the Constitution of the United States.
HCR 11 Wheeler(35) by LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE – YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP – States findings of the Legislature and encourages local governments to support youth entrepreneurship.
S 1001 Scott(2) by JUDICIARY AND RULES COMMITTEE – UNIFORM PUBLIC EXPRESSION PROTECTION ACT – Adds to existing law to establish the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act.
S 1028 Alfieri(4) by JUDICIARY AND RULES COMMITTEE – JUDICIAL DISTRICTS – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the number of judges in the First Judicial District.
S 1029 Manwaring(29) by JUDICIARY AND RULES COMMITTEE – JUDICIAL DISTRICTS – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the number of judges in the Seventh Judicial District.
S 1032 Petzke(21) by EDUCATION COMMITTEE – EDUCATION – Adds to existing law to provide for a distraction-free learning policy.
11 A.M.
Bill Number Sponsor Description
H 9
Amend – 1
Bruce(23) by JUDICIARY, RULES AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE – IDAHO ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE ACT – Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to revise the procedures for the conducting of contested cases.
H 157 Hill(14) by JUDICIARY, RULES AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE – SAMPLE COLLECTIONS – Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to revise provisions and requirements regarding collection of DNA samples and thumbprint impressions.
H 266 Wheeler(35) by WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE – IDAHO BUILDING CODE ACT – Adds to existing law to provide for certain live virtual re-inspections and to provide for timely inspections and the option for third-party inspections in certain situations.