DME Virtual Volunteer Interest Form
Please fill out the form below, if you are interested in applying to the DME Volunteer Program. For more information about the different DME Departments you could volunteer with, please visit which summarizes certain skills or projects you could learn and work on. A DME Human Resources representative will soon contact you with more information about the DME Volunteer Program, so please periodically check your email inbox and/or spam just in case.
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Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
School (George Mason University / University of San Diego / etc) *
Major *
Skills (Writing / Editing / Graphic Design / Video Editing / Podcasting / Transcription / Etc) *
Can you commit approximately 10 hours a week? Time requirement will vary but will never exceed 10 hours. *
DME department of choice (select your top 3) *
Why are you interested in volunteering with the DME Team? *
How did you find DME? *
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