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National STEM Day: November 8, 2024

Press Release Number: CB24-SFS.52

From Census.gov / America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers  /  Who Are the STEM Workers Under Age 25? (November 08, 2022):

Technician Is a Common Job Among Young STEM Workers

Jobs in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) often require a bachelor’s degree or higher, leaving few STEM opportunities for workers younger than 25 who shape the nation’s future workforce.

As a result, in 2021 workers between ages 16 and 24 made up 12.7% of total employment across all occupations but only 6.8% of all STEM workers (just under 800,000) in the United States.

While less common, STEM opportunities for young workers without a college degree exist – mostly technician occupations – and are needed to meet future demand.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in STEM occupations is projected to grow at twice the rate (10.8%) of overall employment (5.3%) through 2031.

National STEM/STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) Day is celebrated every year on November 8 to encourage kids to explore their interests in STEAM careers. And nationwide efforts are underway to attract and train young workers through registered apprenticeship programs. 

Photo: Scientist

Key Stats

Source:  2023 American Community Survey 1-year estimates

Source:  2021 American Community Survey 1-year estimates

Note: The table above is condensed to hide all margin of error columns and all rows under each occupational category. Click on the image for the full table.

More Stats

From Business and Economy / Surveys and Programs the following tables have data (newest to oldest) for sector NAICS 541: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

Source: Business & Industry / Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD)

Note: Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes is a new set of statistics on the earnings outcomes and employment flows of graduates of select post-secondary institutions in the United States. These statistics are generated by matching university transcript data with a national database of jobs.

From the Library / America Counts:  

From the Library  /  Infographics & Visualizations / Interactive Gallery

From Newsroom / Stats for Stories (SFS)

From Our Surveys & Programs / Statistics in School (SIS): Classrooms Powered by Census Data

Outside Links

Note: The table above is cropped at the top and bottom. Click on the image for the full table with other formats and footnotes.

Page Last Revised - November 7, 2024
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