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Encouraging First-in-Human Results for a Promising HIV Vaccine

Posted on by Lawrence Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D.

eOD-GT8 60-mer is injected into a cartoon woman's shoulder. Her body makes B-cells. Dashed arrows suggest that plasma cells will be created that make many antibodies. Also T-cells will be made by her body in response.
Researchers used a customized nanoparticle (top left) to learn more about guiding the immune system to mount a desired robust response, the type needed for an effective HIV vaccine. Credit: Donny Bliss, NIH

In recent years, we’ve witnessed some truly inspiring progress in vaccine development. That includes the mRNA vaccines that were so critical during the COVID-19 pandemic, the first approved vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and a “universal flu vaccine” candidate that could one day help to thwart future outbreaks of more novel influenza viruses.

Inspiring progress also continues to be made toward a safe and effective vaccine for HIV, which still infects about 1.5 million people around the world each year [1]. A prime example is the recent first-in-human trial of an HIV vaccine made in the lab from a unique protein nanoparticle, a molecular construct measuring just a few billionths of a meter.

The results of this early phase clinical study, published recently in the journal Science Translational Medicine [2] and earlier in Science [3], showed that the experimental HIV nanoparticle vaccine is safe in people. While this vaccine alone will not offer HIV protection and is intended to be part of an eventual broader, multistep vaccination regimen, the researchers also determined that it elicited a robust immune response in nearly all 36 healthy adult volunteers.

How robust? The results show that the nanoparticle vaccine, known by the lab name eOD-GT8 60-mer, successfully expanded production of a rare type of antibody-producing immune B cell in nearly all recipients.

What makes this rare type of B cell so critical is that it is the cellular precursor of other B cells capable of producing broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) to protect against diverse HIV variants. Also very good news, the vaccine elicited broad responses from helper T cells. They play a critical supportive role for those essential B cells and their development of the needed broadly neutralizing antibodies.

For decades, researchers have brought a wealth of ideas to bear on developing a safe and effective HIV vaccine. However, crossing the finish line—an FDA-approved vaccine—has proved profoundly difficult.

A major reason is the human immune system is ill equipped to recognize HIV and produce the needed infection-fighting antibodies. And yet the medical literature includes reports of people with HIV who have produced the needed antibodies, showing that our immune system can do it.

But these people remain relatively rare, and the needed robust immunity clocks in only after many years of infection. On top of that, HIV has a habit of mutating rapidly to produce a wide range of identity-altering variants. For a vaccine to work, it most likely will need to induce the production of bnAbs that recognize and defend against not one, but the many different faces of HIV.

To make the uncommon more common became the quest of a research team that includes scientists William Schief, Scripps Research and IAVI Neutralizing Antibody Center, La Jolla, CA; M. Juliana McElrath, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle; and Kristen Cohen, a former member of the McElrath lab now at Moderna, Cambridge, MA. The team, with NIH collaborators and support, has been plotting out a stepwise approach to train the immune system into making the needed bnAbs that recognize many HIV variants.

The critical first step is to prime the immune system to make more of those coveted bnAb-precursor B cells. That’s where the protein nanoparticle known as eOD-GT8 60-mer enters the picture.

This nanoparticle, administered by injection, is designed to mimic a small, highly conserved segment of an HIV protein that allows the virus to bind and infect human cells. In the body, those nanoparticles launch an immune response and then quickly vanish. But because this important protein target for HIV vaccines is so tiny, its signal needed amplification for immune system detection.

To boost the signal, the researchers started with a bacterial protein called lumazine synthase (LumSyn). It forms the scaffold, or structural support, of the self-assembling nanoparticle. Then, they added to the LumSyn scaffold 60 copies of the key HIV protein. This louder HIV signal is tailored to draw out and engage those very specific B cells with the potential to produce bnAbs.

As the first-in-human study showed, the nanoparticle vaccine was safe when administered twice to each participant eight weeks apart. People reported only mild to moderate side effects that went away in a day or two. The vaccine also boosted production of the desired B cells in all but one vaccine recipient (35 of 36). The idea is that this increase in essential B cells sets the stage for the needed additional steps—booster shots that can further coax these cells along toward making HIV protective bnAbs.

The latest finding in Science Translational Medicine looked deeper into the response of helper T cells in the same trial volunteers. Again, the results appear very encouraging. The researchers observed CD4 T cells specific to the HIV protein and to the LumSyn in 84 percent and 93 percent of vaccine recipients. Their analyses also identified key hotspots that the T cells recognized, which is important information for refining future vaccines to elicit helper T cells.

The team reports that they’re now collaborating with Moderna, the developer of one of the two successful mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines, on an mRNA version of eOD-GT8 60-mer. That’s exciting because mRNA vaccines are much faster and easier to produce and modify, which should now help to move this line of research along at a faster clip.

Indeed, two International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)-sponsored clinical trials of the mRNA version are already underway, one in the U.S. and the other in Rwanda and South Africa [4]. It looks like this team and others are now on a promising track toward following the basic science and developing a multistep HIV vaccination regimen that guides the immune response and its stepwise phases in the right directions.

As we look back on more than 40 years of HIV research, it’s heartening to witness the progress that continues toward ending the HIV epidemic. This includes the recent FDA approval of the drug Apretude, the first injectable treatment option for pre-exposure prevention of HIV, and the continued global commitment to produce a safe and effective vaccine.


[1] Global HIV & AIDS statistics fact sheet. UNAIDS.

[2] A first-in-human germline-targeting HIV nanoparticle vaccine induced broad and publicly targeted helper T cell responses. Cohen KW, De Rosa SC, Fulp WJ, deCamp AC, Fiore-Gartland A, Laufer DS, Koup RA, McDermott AB, Schief WR, McElrath MJ. Sci Transl Med. 2023 May 24;15(697):eadf3309.

[3] Vaccination induces HIV broadly neutralizing antibody precursors in humans. Leggat DJ, Cohen KW, Willis JR, Fulp WJ, deCamp AC, Koup RA, Laufer DS, McElrath MJ, McDermott AB, Schief WR. Science. 2022 Dec 2;378(6623):eadd6502.

[4] IAVI and Moderna launch first-in-Africa clinical trial of mRNA HIV vaccine development program. IAVI. May 18, 2022.


Progress Toward an Eventual HIV Vaccine, NIH Research Matters, Dec. 13, 2022.

NIH Statement on HIV Vaccine Awareness Day 2023, Auchincloss H, Kapogiannis, B. May, 18, 2023.

HIV Vaccine Development (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH)

International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) (New York, NY)

William Schief (Scripps Research, La Jolla, CA)

Julie McElrath (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA)

McElrath Lab (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA)

NIH Support: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases


  • Santiago Estrada MD says:

    Good news . ¡Congratulation!

  • Elizabeth Siess says:

    “As we look back on more than 40 years of HIV research, it’s heartening to witness the progress that continues toward ending the HIV epidemic.” Congratulations! So many astonishing discoveries and hopeful progress!!

    And yet, as I approach nearly 40 years of Enduring ME/CFS (formerly Icelandic Disease; CFIDS; ‘Yuppie Flu’; Epstein-Barr; and now ‘Long-COVID’), my heart breaks when I think how little hope there is for a cure for me within my lifetime.

    My anger rages when I consider how a similar investment in ME/CFS research 40 years ago could have prevented the latest ME/CFS Outbreak (which we are calling Long-COVID) from currently devastating another batch of people who have no idea how long ‘LONG’ is going to be……

    And remember, the latest outbreak, exactly like previous outbreaks, COINCIDED WITH other viral illness outbreaks. THEY ARE NOT PROOF OF CAUSATION!!!! In fact, NONE of the previous viruses that have been implicated in ME/CFS have proved to be the cause. How is this obvious fact continually being missed?????


    It must be a stealth virus (or fungus??) that requires an additional virus to allow it to access the body and (in my opinion) very quickly cross the blood-brain barrier causing the immediate ANS chaos that has a DISTINCTIVE HALLMARK PATTERN!!!!

    Then the desperate victim spirals downward from there, constantly blocked from recovery by THE DEFINITIVE HALLMARK SYMPTOM of ‘Post-Exertion Malaise’ (which is neither a helpful nor accurate description of what it actually is and does to body and soul…..) until they reach a constant state of ENDURANCE, existence, survival, acceptance of what is NOT ACCEPTABLE, NOT NORMAL; NOT CRAZY, NOT LAZY; and NOT fully LIVING.

    Alive but not living. Abandoned. Repeatedly Forgotten. Harshly Dismissed.
    A Fate that often feels worse than Death.

    AND, as the above article clearly demonstrates, there are many scientists who are not daunted by a difficult challenge. THIS MYSTERY COULD BE SOLVED!!!!!! But such talent requires funding and focus. Both of which have been egregiously lacking in the case of ME/CFS.

    Again, I will say it until I breathe my last breath, LOOK FOR THE VIRUS!!!!!!! It is there. Find it. Test for it. Cure it. Why should we have anything less than what HIV has gotten????? There is no good or defensible reason.

  • Gordon says:

    Does the 60mer structurally bind to any receptors? Is auto-immune priming something to consider? Safety studies for that may require a longer period of assessment.

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