Contact Public Information Officers

MC311 Customer Service Center is Montgomery County’s source for non-emergency government information and services. You can reach MC311 by calling 311 in the County or 240-777-0311, 711 for MD Relay TTY, from anywhere, Monday - Friday 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Follow us on twitter @311MC311. For General Media MPIA Inquiries, Call 240-777-6507 or email us.
Mary Anderson Mary Anderson, Deputy Director email icon | 240-777-6534
Jose Dominguez Jose A. Dominguez email | 240 743-8865
Jennifer Garfinkel Jennifer Garfinkel email | 240 962-1506
Mark Roper Mark Roper email | 240 962-1743
Teresa S. Woorman Teresa Woorman email | 240 962-1520
Nordea Lewis Nordea Lewis email | 240 962-0315
Lorna Virgili Lorna Virgili email | 240-777-6535
Beats: Latino Affairs, Montgomery Al Día, Community Partnerships, Immigration, Volunteer Center, Spanish Language Media, Cable Programming, Mid-County Regional Service Area.

Some of the County’s larger departments have staff that also provides public information services. They include: