According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, about 1.3 million Veterans live in households that participate in SNAP (formerly food stamps). In every state, thousands of low-income Veterans use SNAP to help put food on the table.
What is SNAP EBT?
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is offered through the USDA (Department of Agriculture) and provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of needy families so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency.
Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) is an electronic system that allows a SNAP participant to pay for food using SNAP benefits. When a participant shops at a SNAP authorized retail store, their EBT account is debited to reimburse the store for food that was purchased.
Customers with a valid SNAP EBT card can use their SNAP benefits to shop for groceries on Amazon Fresh and groceries in 45 states plus the District of Columbia. Amazon is working alongside the USDA to expand acceptance of Alaska, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maine and Montana SNAP benefits. Customers can click here for Frequently Asked Questions and updates on their state’s acceptance.
Amazon is proud to offer SNAP EBT acceptance, competitive prices, wide selection, and free shipping options to improve the grocery shopping experience. Customers can shop SNAP-eligible groceries on Amazon Grocery (shelf-stable foods and household items in varying sizes) and Amazon Fresh (fresh produce, meat, dairy, and more) in eligible regions. SNAP recipients can also get free access to Amazon Fresh and exclusive discounts on essential items, with no membership fees. Additionally, EBT cardholders qualify for 50% off a Prime membership.
- Free access to Amazon Fresh: SNAP customers receive access to Amazon Fresh in most metropolitan regions without Prime membership fees. Amazon Fresh delivers perishable, shelf-stable, and household products in everyday package sizes. Visit to see if delivery or pickup is available in your area.
- Free delivery available: Customers receive free shipping on orders of $25 or more on Amazon Grocery and $35 or more ($50 in New York City) on Amazon Fresh. Both SNAP-eligible and non-SNAP eligible items in customers’ carts will count towards order minimums.
- Exclusive deals: EBT customers receive exclusive discounts on produce, grocery staples, and other essential items. Amazon is consistently updating offers from popular brands, such as Quaker Oats, Campbell Soup, Kraft-Heinz, Fresh Brand, and more.
- 50% off Prime membership: Amazon Prime is just $5.99/month (typically $12.99/month) for qualifying EBT and government assistance recipients. Prime members get free delivery on millions of items, Prime-exclusive discounts, access to Prime Video and Amazon Music, and more. Prime membership is not required to take advantage of the benefits above. Sign up here for the discounted Amazon Prime Membership.
Customers can follow the steps below to register their SNAP EBT card on Amazon:
1. Click here to visit
2. Create an Amazon account or sign in if you’re already an Amazon customer.
3. Follow the on screen instructions to add a valid SNAP EBT card.
4. Start shopping!
Customers can visit for more information. For issues with registration, orders, or anything else, customers can use Amazon’s 24/7 customer service. They can go to, or call 1-888-280-4331.
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Thanks for your services. but you got paid, you get benefits, so don’t be such crybaby. Fcking entitled to everything because you are vet? People die everyday doing their job, People dying trying to save someone’s ass at hospital, robbery, fire, just being at grocery shop. So you are not really special group of people.
How do I get half off of prime for being a VET with Snap benefits Thank YOU!!
There isn’t enough room here to say even a small portion of what I want to say. The Under Secretary of Benefits left me a message to call him(three times) It was a military no. but it was a recording that didn’t give any information and then it started over again and again. I called it on three different days, same thing. I called the Cheyenne VA hospital where I am assigned to and they didn’t know how to get ahold of him. Paul Lawrence is his name.
Hensley , I agree with everything you said , when you said vets need to take care of themselves you were 100% correct , Thats The Main reason I have for years tried to tell vets No matter where they reside , All vets Deserve to have at least as good of Health Care Options as a civilian working for a company , that person has NO , NONE , ZERO , Limitations on where they choose to get their Health Care , their company Insurance will pay it . But vets are 99% corralled into ONE HOSPITAL , It is not fair period , if vets want to go to a vets Hospital , go with all blessings , but if vets Prefer to stay in their community were their familiar with the Hospital’s and Clinic;s and their Family what is the REASON thats a Bad Thing ,, WHY
One of the richest companies in the USA stopped the Amazon Prime discounted veterans membership; this shows how unappreciative and cheap their leadership is for the freedom Amazon has paid so little for and veterans paid so dearly for
Try to find a parking space anywhere designated for Veterans. Yet, the so-called disabled/handicapped spaces are very noticeable everywhere! Repeatedly, I see youthful drivers (male & female) using the handicapped spots – placard and all. Maybe they take grandpa to a medical appointment once a month, but the rest of the time park illicitly. THERE IS NO ENFORCEMENT!!!!!!!!! As it goes, and we all know it, Veterans (term of service and military retirees) are mistreated, abused, mischaracterized, and ignored. It begins with every person who has ever sat on the throne as head of the VA. The need is for the VA to become on par with the Federal Reserve in that the Secretary, Management and Regional Leadership should be secure in the support from Congress – long term regardless of the President in office – and required to produce measureable (proven) results subject to imprisonment for “intention to fail without recourse”. Intention to Fail, without recourse is the current and past situation at the VA. When was the last time that the VA was subjected to a Congressional Audit conducted by a Third Party. NEVER!!! That has met with the approval of every President of the United States of America. Vets must take care of themselves as best they are capable, because no one else, nobody, not a person above-along side-below the Veteran is concerned.
Appearances are deceiving. My 6’3” 200 lb husband is the picture of health.
He has 1 lung, end stage COPD, and afib.
He’s a veteran as well as our 2 sons. They would never have expected or taken advantage of designated veterans parking!
I am a viet nam area veteran honorable discharged. I am proud of my service. We put our lives on the line for the richest country on the planet and this country can’t give us 25% off on everything we purchase. That’s a disgrace. “THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE” Yeah.
Dude, If you did your service for someone to give you stuff and pat you on the back for an at-a-boy. I think it is a disgrace to your service to expect a discount and freebies. Stand with your head held high shoulders back and stand proud as a Vet. for the opportunity to serve this great nation.
i think “dude” deserves to be king of the world because 55 years ago he knew that an online store named amazon would exist and would be handing out discounts, so he joined the military to be eligible. sht, nostradamus didn’t have nothing on him. and exactly where and when was it that you served in the military? i was in at the same time “dude” was and contrary to what most on here may think i am not a bit proud to have served this disgusting, warmongering, oligarchy. i enlisted 2 days after my 17th. birthday, so i was young and stupid. i learned fast though what the military was and what is was about. the men and women that served then, and now, should be able to get the best medical care in the world from the richest nation on the planet but they don’t do they? my sister died in the va because of complications from a freaking hip replacement. that was some really great care. now you’ve got con job organizations like “wounded warriors project” scamming people out of money when the va should be taking care of every single need of all veterans. “great nation” yea, right.
I would like this to be offered to VETS that are not connected to such programs. That would be a just and righteous gesture.
Why don’t we just have a veterans discount? This isn’t’ for veterans, it is for low income. On that note: If a veteran participates in FDPIR-federal program funded by SNAP, wouldn’t they also be able to get a discount?
AGREE April! I am so disgusted with this!! SERIOUSLY?! We are giving those on GOVERNMENT subsistence a 50% discount on Amazon Prime?!
Walmart actually donates alot to our soldiers and donates to programs for veterans hundreds of millions a year nationwide
Just trying to sign up for the discount on amazon
ALL Veterans received a discount on Amazon Prime a year ago. I feel so bad when all I read are negative comments. And just because we are Veterans does not mean we are entitled to FREE everything. Let’s just be grateful for what we have. I am most grateful for the excellent medical care I receive from the VA. That means more to me than ANY free service that this offered.
I am an 82 year old Navy WAVE Veteran (1957-1960).
i didn’t see anyone on here asking for anything “free”. since you’re so against free stuff how about giving up the deferment most senior citizens get on homeowner’s tax along with all the other senior benefits. also, start paying full price for that “excellent medical care”. care, that as i mentioned earlier in a post, that killed my sister when she had a hip replacement. as veterans we ARE entitled to many things. look at what veterans in russia receive and are treated. this country should be ashamed, but it’s not.
everyone on snap gets 50% off of amazon membership vet or not nothing special about this!
A veterans discount would be welcome. I pay currently $ 165.24 P.A. (13.77 X 12).
I don’t want to apply for EBT/SNAP as I value my privacy.
I don’t recall a discount offer around Veterans Day, but I’ll keep an eye out this year.
I love the Prime Service, especially when compared with USPS/FedEx or UPS.
Believe me. No prime discount this past year. Amazon offered a discounted prime membership on Veterans Day 2019. And promptly canceled the Veteran-Discount a year later. Sad but true. Good luck with Amazon? Not very Veteran Friendly, huh?!
the amazon veteran discount was in was not renewed for 2020…i questioned amazon, which had no reason it wasn’t renewed ?
So what your saying is veterans are not getting anything it is the low income that is getting this vet or not? Good ole Jeff and his not so low income should offer free prime to any vet that wants it. I’m sure it won’t break the guy.
All Vets should get PRIME free!
I think “Veterans” period should get 50% discount at Amazon.
Vet’s don’t count only nonproducers!!!!!
Does anyone else find the amount of our fellow veterans on the SNAP program troubling. 1.3 million is a very high number of people to need assistance. Just shows how many vets aren’t making a living wage. You give time and sometimes much more only to get out and not be able to make a living. It’s a sad state to be in.
Thanks for the information, but I refuse to shop through Amazon. I refuse to do business with any organization thar deals in censorship.
Amazon is not doing this to be kind. Bozo sees this as another source of income-period for himself.
If you are a SNAP user, support your local businesses. Not some mega rich clown who lost half his fortune in the divorce
What about veterans?
how to get 50 percent off grocerys for service men in March,i have signed up at Amazon for EBT
The headline “Veterans get Amazon Prime” Add “for EBT transactions.only
I think anyone on food stamps is eligible. That includes the people that believe the government owes them a living!
Thanks for not doing for reg 100% disabled not knot on ssi or food stamps.
What about veterans discount on amazon never mind discounts for snap ebt recipient’s
I’m a disabled veteran/member of Amazon Prime. I live in the state of Alabama and draw just over the states minimum for SNAP. There are hundreds more in this state like me, we just simply cannot afford food at most times. We subsidize by using local food banks and other charities. What of us?
Thats nice,last time I went for food stamps,all I got was 50 dollars a month for three months and I was living in a tent…so much for being an Honorably Discharged vet.
I just learned of Amazon’s participation in the SNAP s program and that you are giving up to 50% discount to our brave brothers and sisters, former or current members of our Armed Services, for food and basic necessity products.
I would like to thank you for this grand and noble gift you are giving our hero soldiers, one and all.
You are not looking at this corrrctly. Amazon is not giving “veterans” anything. They are giving EBT CARD HOLDERS THE DISCOUNT. If you happen to be a Veteran, or a pregnant teenager having her 3rd kid, or a drug addict in rehab for the 4th time, it doesn’t matter. They are giving the discount to the EBT CROWD. They are just making it appear that they are helping Vets. for the PR VALUE. A typical spin you would expect learned from slippery political snakes.So don’t be fooled. I personally am a disabled veteran with a permanent and total 100% disability rating. I don’t qualify for EBT or any other gov’t program supported bt the federal gov’t. Amazing how Vets. always at the end of the line. So I guess since those unwilling to support themselves or decided to run the streets instead of getting sn education can add one more give away, along with free health care, very reduced rent through section 8, enjoy those prime cuts of meat through EBT, free phones, free internet, More free food from food banks and community center food programs. Reduced electric bills and probably a dozen more things. Yeah, even reduced Amazon prime. But that’s ok. I get by and would never demand anyone give me a discount just because I am a Vet. If a business want to give me a discount out of appreciation for all the years I gave to my country, I will accept and appreciate it. But I will call out anyone trying to take credit for something a vet gets because of some other reason2 than being a VET.
How does a veteran apply for a snap card?
What about veterans with a 100% disability rating
Two of the largest companies, Walmart and Amazon in the world DO NOT GIVE VETERANS A DISCOUNT ON ANY THING. Yet a lot of small business do. Who do you think can afford to lose a few dollars, small business or large businesses. WALMART and AMAZON ARE JUST MONEY HUNGRY AND DO NOT APPRECIATE OR RESPECT VETERANS
What about disabled veteran living on $961.00 and wife $430.00 per month, in a old RV plus rent, electric, food, insurance and medical incidentals and of course hygiene. Plus of course I’m not yet 100% service connected disabled as VA lost medical records.. My lawyers are working on the medical pension. So how can you help persons such as I? Thank You, Bob and Jo Martinez
This isn’t a veteran discount ! Amazon doesn’t do a thing for us veterans. I don’t need help to buy food because I eat to live I don’t live to eat.People today are obsessed with food and are digging their graves with a knife and fork. That is why so many young and old have rear ends two and three ax handles wide and cities have to keep replacing the sewer pipes with bigger ones.
You are absolutely right!!!
Absolutely! The food bank is also passing unhealthy foods
Actually, I got a veteran’s discount on my last Prime annual subscription, $40 off. They run it around veterans day, did in 2019 and 2020.