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This map depicts the headquarter locations of DOL grantees. To note, grantees often operate nationally in multiple states, so the total number of grantees listed by state may be smaller than the overall number of grantees currently in that state or providing services. This map is routinely updated to reflect currently active grantees. For questions or corrections, please reach out to Any links to non-federal websites on this page provide additional information that is consistent with the intended purpose of this federal site, but linking to such sites does not constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Labor of the information or organization providing such information. For more information, please visit
Real People, Real Impact: Spotlight Stories from our Grantees
Do you know of a high-performing DOL grantee; an organization with innovative training models; or Department of Labor-funded programs that resulted in positive experiences or strong outcomes for participants?
Keyword Search – Use the keyword search field to type your own search terms.
Who can Apply - For more information on grant eligibility, please go to Grant Eligibility | GRANTS.GOV.
Agency - The Department of Labor Sub-Agency that administer this grant.
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Education/training providers, For profit organizations other than small businesses, Higher Education Institutions (or consortium), Labor organizations/unions, Nonprofit with local affiliate networks, Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status, other than institutions of higher education, Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status, other than institutions of higher education, Post-secondary education institutions, Private institutions of higher education, Public and State controlled institutions of higher education, State governments
Who It Serves
Individuals (see FOA for age requirements), States
This funding will support a cooperative agreement between the U.S. Department of Labor and the selected awardee(s), who will operate a Technical Assistance Collaborative to provide strategic, short- and long-term technical assistance (TA) to help public workforce system entities at the state and local levels improve service quality and outcomes for job seekers and employers who use the public workforce system. For the purposes of this announcement, the public workforce system is considered as primarily Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I and Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service grantees and required partners of the one stop delivery system. TA may be provided to a broader range of workforce system partners to improve WIOA Title I and Wagner-Peyser Act service delivery.
Focus Area Capacity Building, Technical Assistance
City or township governments, Community or faith-based organizations, County governments, Education/training providers, Higher Education Institutions (or consortium), Intermediary organizations, Labor organizations/unions, Labor-Management Partnership, Native American Tribal organizations, Nonprofit with local affiliate networks, Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status, other than institutions of higher education, Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status, other than institutions of higher education, Other (see full FOA once available), Post-secondary education institutions, Private institutions of higher education, Public and Indian Housing Authorities, Public and State controlled institutions of higher education, State governments, State or Local Workforce Boards, State workforce agencies, Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities, Workforce Development Entities
This Funding Opportunity Announcement solicits applications for Pathway Home 6 grants. ETA plans to award $25 million in an estimated 20 grants up to $4 million each. The purpose of this program is to provide eligible incarcerated individuals in men’s and women’s state correctional facilities or local or county jails with workforce services prior to release and to continue services after release by transitioning the participants into reentry programs in the communities to which they will return. By providing for reentry services to begin while participants are still incarcerated and to continue post-release, these projects are designed to eliminate the time gap between release from prison and enrollment into a workforce development reentry program leading to skills-based employment, to improve individuals’ transition back into their communities, and to reduce recidivism. Questions regarding this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) may be emailed to We encourage prospective applicants and interested parties to use the subscription option to register for future updates provided for this particular FOA.
Focus Area Apprenticeship, Climate, Infrastructure, Re-Entry/Violence Prevention, Workforce Development
Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program (HVRP), Incarcerated Veterans’ Transition Program (IVTP), and the Homeless Women Veterans' and Homeless Veterans' with Children Reintegration Grant Program (HWVHVWC) (referred to collectively as HVRP)
Who Can Apply?
City or township governments, County governments, For profit organizations other than small businesses, Native American Tribal governments, Native American Tribal organizations, Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status, other than institutions of higher education, Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status, other than institutions of higher education, Other (see full FOA once available), Private institutions of higher education, Public and State controlled institutions of higher education, Small businesses, Special district governments, State or Local Workforce Boards
Who It Serves
Individuals (see FOA for age requirements), Veterans and Returning Service Members, Women
DOL/VETS funds three types of competitive grants. Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program (HVRP) assists veterans experiencing or at-risk of homelessness. The Incarcerated Veterans’ Transition Program (IVTP) focuses on veterans who are involved in the justice system or are moving on from certain institutions. Lastly, the Homeless Women Veterans and Homeless Veterans with Children Reintegration Program (HWVHVWC) is specifically for homeless women veterans and homeless veterans with children. These programs are collectively referred to as HVRP. HVRP is an employment-focused, competitive federal grant program intended to enable veterans experiencing or at risk of homelessness reach their full employment potential and obtain high-quality career outcomes. The Department encourages applicants to propose strategies to achieve economic prosperity, offering appropriate participant support to marginalized groups and making services accessible for underserved communities.
To meet the fluctuations in the population and changing needs of veterans experiencing and at risk of homelessness, DOL/VETS requires grant recipients to provide an array of client-centered services utilizing a case management approach that directly assists veterans experiencing and at risk of homelessness and provides critical linkages to a variety of support services available in their local communities. The HVRP approach is focused on obtaining high-quality career outcomes for the veteran. Veterans are to receive the job training and employment services required to re-enter and be successful in the labor force. To realize long-term benefits for veterans experiencing and at risk of homelessness, grant recipients must address the complex employment-related requirements and support services necessary to meet the needs of this population. This can be achieved either through direct services or through a robust referral system with established tools, resources, and partnerships to identify, recruit, prepare, and support veterans experiencing and at risk of homelessness for employment success. Through one of these methods, grant recipients will provide job placement, job training, job development, career counseling, and employment preparation services, among other services, to assist with obtaining meaningful, family-sustaining employment.
Focus Area Re-Entry/Violence Prevention, Technical Assistance, Worker Empowerment and Education, Workforce Development
This Funding Opportunity Announcement solicits applications for the third round of the State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula (SAEF3) grant program. As part of its five-year investment plan, the Department will award the next round of State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula grants for (1) Base Formula Funding to all states and territories that apply (territories that have less than 100 active registered apprentices, i.e., The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and The U.S. Virgin Islands, may apply for the base funding of up to $75,000 and are not eligible to apply for competitive funding), and (2) an opportunity to apply separately for additional competitive funding for states and territories with immediate readiness to adopt multiple innovative research- and evidence-based elements that expand Registered Apprenticeship, as well as the capacity to expend additional funding that supports innovation, sector strategies, and workforce system alignment. Questions regarding this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) may be emailed to We encourage prospective applicants and interested parties to use the subscription option to register for future updates provided for this particular FOA.
Focus Area Apprenticeship, Capacity Building, Worker Empowerment and Education, Workforce Development