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Engaging with the Blue Economy Series Kick Off
Wednesday, March 03, 2021, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EDT
Category: Virtual Event

Engaging with the Blue Economy Webinar Series

The Ocean Exchange™ and the Marine Technology Society (MTS) have teamed up to offer a joint webinar series – Engaging with the Blue Economy.  The webinar series will focus on all facets of the Blue Economy with the goal of recognizing the importance of the Ocean to our lives every day. 

Recently organizations have begun to calculate the importance of the Ocean as part of the world’s economic engine. In 2018, OCED published “The Ocean Economy in 2030” which calculated, that conservatively the Ocean economy’s value in 2010 was $1.5 trillion (USD), or approximately 2.5% of world gross value added, with a growth potential to $3 trillion (USD) in 2030.  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s and Bureau of Economic Analysis’ 2020 report, “Defining and Measuring the U.S. Ocean Economy” prototype statistics show that the ocean economy accounted for $372 billion or 1.8% of the United States gross domestic product in 2018.

Expectations for this economic sector are starting to be realized and will depend critically on the development of a vast array of new information-based products, as well as new policies and innovative ideas for workforce development.

We hope you will join us for the conversations.

-Zdenka Willis, MTS President

Upcoming webinars in the Blue Economy Series

Register for May's Blue Economy Webinar

March 3 – Blue Economy in perspective from the United States’ and Global lens

April 7 – Mobile Power Generation – Yi Chao, Seatrec; Carrie Schmaus, Water Power Technologies Office; and Robert Cavagaro, Pacific Northwestern National Lab

May 5 - Bio-Energy

  • Brian Wilcox, Marine BioEnergy, Inc., 
  •  Martin Koehring, The Economist

 June 2 – Offshore Energy

  • Elias Greenbaum, GTA the underwater H2 company
  • Jeff Andreini,  Vice President New Energy Services at Crowley Marine

About the Marine Technology Society

The Marine Technology Society promotes awareness, understanding, and the advancement and application of marine technology. Incorporated in 1963, the international society brings together businesses, institutions, professionals, academics, and students who are ocean engineers, technologists, policy makers, and educators.

About Ocean Exchange

The Ocean Exchange is the intersection where organizations from around the world advance and promote their cutting-edge solutions and innovations in materials, devices, processes, and systems. We have created the knowledge-based catalyst for organizations to achieve Corporate Social Responsibility Goals. By connecting innovators and organizations, The Ocean Exchange empowers the successful application of solutions for the greater good. We are advocates for innovators. We are advocates for collaboration across industry and geography, while protecting the intellectual property of the innovator.