747 Program Milestones
May 8, 2010 | Assembly begins on first 747-8 Intercontinental |
Feb. 8, 2010 | First 747-8 Freighter completes first flight |
Nov. 12, 2009 | First 747-8 Freighter rolls out of the factory |
Aug. 8, 2008 | Boeing starts major assembly of the first 747-8 Freighter |
Feb. 28, 2008 | Boeing delivers 1,400th 747 to GECAS for lease to AirBridgeCargo Airlines |
Nov. 7, 2007 | Boeing completes firm configuration for 747-8 Intercontinental |
March 10, 2007 | Orders for Boeing 747 surpass 1,500 |
Dec. 6, 2006 | Lufthansa becomes first airline to order 747-8 Intercontinental |
Oct. 31, 2006 | Boeing completes firm configuration for 747-8 Freighter |
November 14, 2005 | Boeing launches the 747-8 Family -- the 747-8 Intercontinental passenger airplane and the 747-8 Freighter -- with orders from Cargolux and Nippon Cargo Airlines. |
October 31, 2002 | Delivery of first 747-400ER passenger version to Qantas Airways. |
October 17, 2002 | Delivery of first 747-400ER freighter to Air France (financed by International Finance Lease Corporation). |
July 31, 2002 | First flight of the 747-400ER begins a three-month flight test program that will culminate with certification and delivery to launch customer Qantas Airways. |
June 17, 2002 | Thousands of Boeing employees gather in the world's largest building to celebrate rollout of the first 747-400ER. |
February 11, 2002 | Boeing workers load the 747's forward section floor grid into an assembly tool, marking the start of major assembly for the 747-400ER. |
December 18, 2001 | Boeing engineers complete 90 percent of the design work for both the passenger and freighter versions of the new Longer-Range 747-400 family of airplanes. |
April 30, 2001 | Boeing launches second member of its Longer-Range 747-400 Family -- the 747-400ER Freighter -- with an order from International Lease Finance Corporation (ILFC). |
December 14, 2000 | Factory rollout of China Airlines 747-400 Freighter, 2000's 15th 747-400 Freighter, a new single-year record. |
November 28, 2000 | Boeing launches newest member of the 747 Family, the Longer-Range 747-400, with an order from Australia's Qantas Airways. |
November 15, 1999 | U.S. Postal Service unveils 747 postage stamp, which Boeing places on its factory doors: world's largest stamp on world's largest building that produces world's largest commercial airplane. |
August 10, 1999 | Major assembly begins on first 747-400 Freighter to be used as platform for U.S. Air Force's Airborne Laser program. |
April 22, 1999 | United Airlines takes delivery of its 75th 747. |
February 17, 1999 | Boeing delivers 1,200th 747, a 747-400 to British Airways. |
February 15, 1999 | Boeing celebrates completion of digitizing the 747 fuselage and utilizing new fuselage tooling, a four-year effort that results in simplified airplane assembly and improved quality. |
November 19, 1998 | Boeing and Japan Airlines celebrate the delivery of the airline's 100th 747. |
October 30, 1998 | Boeing and British Airways celebrate the delivery of the airline's 50th 747-400. |
September 30, 1998 | Boeing celebrates 30th anniversary of the first 747-100 to roll out of the Everett factory. A new 747 slogan is revealed at the ceremony: "Boeing 747 -- The Leader, The Legend." |
April 23, 1997 | Boeing and Lufthansa German Airlines celebrate the 25th anniversary of the first 747-200 Freighter delivery. |
January 1996 | Boeing delivers 1,100th 747, a 747-400, to England's Virgin Atlantic Airways and Los Angeles-based International Lease Finance Corp. |
November 17, 1993 | 747-400 Freighter enters commercial service with Luxembourg's Cargolux Airlines. |
October 12, 1993 | Boeing delivers line No. 1,000 to Singapore Airlines. |
September 10, 1993 | Boeing rolls out line No. 1,000, a 747-400. |
May 4, 1993 | First flight of the first 747-400 Freighter. |
March 8, 1993 | First 747-400 Freighter rolls out of the factory. |
Dec. 1992 - Jan. 1993 | 747s participate in Operation Restore Hope, transporting 13,609 troops on a United Nations mission to Somalia. |
February 5, 1992 | Boeing uses first 747-100 to flight-test engines for the 777. |
October 22, 1991 | 747-400 Domestic enters commercial service with Japan Airlines. |
March 18, 1991 | First flight of the first 747-400 Domestic. |
February 18, 1991 | First 747-400 Domestic rolls out of the factory. |
Aug. 1990 - March 1991 | 747s participate in Operation Desert Storm, carrying 644,000 troops and 220,000 tons of equipment to and from the Middle East as part of a United Nations effort to restore peace in the region. |
August 1990 | Boeing delivers first of two presidential 747-200s to the U.S. Air Force. |
March 28, 1990 | First 747-100 enters semi-retirement at Seattle's Museum of Flight. |
September 12, 1989 | 747-400 Combi enters commercial service with The Netherlands' KLM -- Royal Dutch Airlines. |
June 30, 1989 | First flight of the first 747-400 Combi. |
March 23, 1989 | First 747-400 Combi rolls out of the factory. |
February 9, 1989 | 747-400 enters commercial service with U.S.-based Northwest Airlines. |
April 29, 1988 | First flight of the first 747-400. |
January 26, 1988 | Boeing rolls out first 747-400 on same day as first 737-400. |
June 5, 1986 | U.S. Air Force orders two specially equipped 747-200s to transport the president of the United States. |
October 1985 | Boeing announces the 12th version of its jumbo jet family, the advanced-technology 747-400. |
March 23, 1983 | 747-300 enters commercial service with Swissair. |
October 5, 1982 | First flight of the first 747-300. |
September 21, 1982 | First 747-300 rolls out of the factory. |
November 19, 1980 | Boeing rolls out line No. 500 from the factory, a 747-200 Combi delivered Feb. 17, 1981, to Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS). |
February 18, 1977 | Specially equipped 747 carries U.S. space shuttle for the first time. |
April 25, 1976 | 747SP enters commercial service with U.S.-based Pan American World Airways. |
October 1975 | 747 worldwide fleet carries 100 millionth passenger. |
July 4, 1975 | First flight of the first 747SP; attains top speed of Mach 0.92. |
May 19, 1975 | First 747SP (special performance) rolls out of the factory. |
March 7, 1975 | 747-200 Combi enters commercial service with Air Canada. |
November 11, 1974 | First flight of the first 747-200 Combi. |
October 30, 1974 | First 747-200 Combi rolls out of the factory. |
October 7, 1973 | First 747SR (short range) enters commercial service with Japan Airlines (Tokyo to Naha, Okinawa). |
May 1973 | 747-200 Convertible enters commercial service with U.S.-based World Airways. |
March 23, 1973 | First flight of the first 747-200 Convertible. |
February 28, 1973 | First 747-200 Convertible rolls out of the factory. |
September 1972 | 747 worldwide fleet accumulates one million flight hours. |
April 19, 1972 | 747-200 Freighter enters commercial service with Lufthansa German Airlines. |
November 30, 1971 | First flight of the first 747-200 Freighter. |
November 23, 1971 | First 747-200 Freighter rolls out of the factory. |
June 1971 | 747-200 enters commercial service with The Netherlands' KLM -- Royal Dutch Airlines. |
February 11, 1971 | Boeing delivers line No. 100 to U.S.-based Braniff Airlines. |
January 1971 | 747 worldwide fleet accumulates 71 million miles in first year. |
October 11, 1970 | First flight of the first 747-200. |
September 10, 1970 | First 747-200 rolls out of the factory. |
July 16, 1970 | 747 worldwide fleet carries one millionth passenger. |
January 21, 1970 | 747-100 enters commercial service with U.S.-based Pan American World Airways on a New York-to-London flight. |
December 30, 1969 | The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration certifies the 747-100 for commercial service. |
June 1969 | First 747-100 participates in Paris Air Show. |
February 9, 1969 | First flight of the first 747-100. |
September 30, 1968 | First 747-100 rolls out of the factory. |
June 1968 | Boeing tests the new Pratt & Whitney JT9D engine, developed for the 747, on the wings of a Boeing B-52. |
November 21, 1967 | First 747 nose section arrives at the Everett plant from the Boeing plant in Wichita, Kan. |
January 3, 1967 | First production workers arrive at the Everett plant. |
September 1966 | Orders for the 747 reach $1.8 billion. |
June 1966 | Boeing purchases 780 acres, adjacent to Paine Field, Everett, Wash., to build the 747 production plant. |
April 13, 1966 | Pan American World Airways announces $525 million order for 25 Boeing 747s, effectively launching the 747 Program. |
March 1966 | Boeing board of directors decides to proceed with the 747 Program. |
Spring 1963 | Boeing forms engineering group to develop large airplane to meet passenger and cargo growth predicted for the 1970s. |