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747 Program Milestones
May 8, 2010 Assembly begins on first 747-8 Intercontinental
Feb. 8, 2010 First 747-8 Freighter completes first flight
Nov. 12, 2009 First 747-8 Freighter rolls out of the factory
Aug. 8, 2008 Boeing starts major assembly of the first 747-8 Freighter
Feb. 28, 2008 Boeing delivers 1,400th 747 to GECAS for lease to AirBridgeCargo Airlines
Nov. 7, 2007 Boeing completes firm configuration for 747-8 Intercontinental
March 10, 2007 Orders for Boeing 747 surpass 1,500
Dec. 6, 2006 Lufthansa becomes first airline to order 747-8 Intercontinental
Oct. 31, 2006 Boeing completes firm configuration for 747-8 Freighter
November 14, 2005 Boeing launches the 747-8 Family -- the 747-8 Intercontinental passenger airplane and the 747-8 Freighter -- with orders from Cargolux and Nippon Cargo Airlines.
October 31, 2002 Delivery of first 747-400ER passenger version to Qantas Airways.
October 17, 2002 Delivery of first 747-400ER freighter to Air France (financed by International Finance Lease Corporation).
July 31, 2002 First flight of the 747-400ER begins a three-month flight test program that will culminate with certification and delivery to launch customer Qantas Airways.
June 17, 2002 Thousands of Boeing employees gather in the world's largest building to celebrate rollout of the first 747-400ER.
February 11, 2002 Boeing workers load the 747's forward section floor grid into an assembly tool, marking the start of major assembly for the 747-400ER.
December 18, 2001 Boeing engineers complete 90 percent of the design work for both the passenger and freighter versions of the new Longer-Range 747-400 family of airplanes.
April 30, 2001 Boeing launches second member of its Longer-Range 747-400 Family -- the 747-400ER Freighter -- with an order from International Lease Finance Corporation (ILFC).
December 14, 2000 Factory rollout of China Airlines 747-400 Freighter, 2000's 15th 747-400 Freighter, a new single-year record.
November 28, 2000 Boeing launches newest member of the 747 Family, the Longer-Range 747-400, with an order from Australia's Qantas Airways.
November 15, 1999 U.S. Postal Service unveils 747 postage stamp, which Boeing places on its factory doors: world's largest stamp on world's largest building that produces world's largest commercial airplane.
August 10, 1999 Major assembly begins on first 747-400 Freighter to be used as platform for U.S. Air Force's Airborne Laser program.
April 22, 1999 United Airlines takes delivery of its 75th 747.
February 17, 1999 Boeing delivers 1,200th 747, a 747-400 to British Airways.
February 15, 1999 Boeing celebrates completion of digitizing the 747 fuselage and utilizing new fuselage tooling, a four-year effort that results in simplified airplane assembly and improved quality.
November 19, 1998 Boeing and Japan Airlines celebrate the delivery of the airline's 100th 747.
October 30, 1998 Boeing and British Airways celebrate the delivery of the airline's 50th 747-400.
September 30, 1998 Boeing celebrates 30th anniversary of the first 747-100 to roll out of the Everett factory. A new 747 slogan is revealed at the ceremony: "Boeing 747 -- The Leader, The Legend."
April 23, 1997 Boeing and Lufthansa German Airlines celebrate the 25th anniversary of the first 747-200 Freighter delivery.
January 1996 Boeing delivers 1,100th 747, a 747-400, to England's Virgin Atlantic Airways and Los Angeles-based International Lease Finance Corp.
November 17, 1993 747-400 Freighter enters commercial service with Luxembourg's Cargolux Airlines.
October 12, 1993 Boeing delivers line No. 1,000 to Singapore Airlines.
September 10, 1993 Boeing rolls out line No. 1,000, a 747-400.
May 4, 1993 First flight of the first 747-400 Freighter.
March 8, 1993 First 747-400 Freighter rolls out of the factory.
Dec. 1992 - Jan. 1993 747s participate in Operation Restore Hope, transporting 13,609 troops on a United Nations mission to Somalia.
February 5, 1992 Boeing uses first 747-100 to flight-test engines for the 777.
October 22, 1991 747-400 Domestic enters commercial service with Japan Airlines.
March 18, 1991 First flight of the first 747-400 Domestic.
February 18, 1991 First 747-400 Domestic rolls out of the factory.
Aug. 1990 - March 1991 747s participate in Operation Desert Storm, carrying 644,000 troops and 220,000 tons of equipment to and from the Middle East as part of a United Nations effort to restore peace in the region.
August 1990 Boeing delivers first of two presidential 747-200s to the U.S. Air Force.
March 28, 1990 First 747-100 enters semi-retirement at Seattle's Museum of Flight.
September 12, 1989 747-400 Combi enters commercial service with The Netherlands' KLM -- Royal Dutch Airlines.
June 30, 1989 First flight of the first 747-400 Combi.
March 23, 1989 First 747-400 Combi rolls out of the factory.
February 9, 1989 747-400 enters commercial service with U.S.-based Northwest Airlines.
April 29, 1988 First flight of the first 747-400.
January 26, 1988 Boeing rolls out first 747-400 on same day as first 737-400.
June 5, 1986 U.S. Air Force orders two specially equipped 747-200s to transport the president of the United States.
October 1985 Boeing announces the 12th version of its jumbo jet family, the advanced-technology 747-400.
March 23, 1983 747-300 enters commercial service with Swissair.
October 5, 1982 First flight of the first 747-300.
September 21, 1982 First 747-300 rolls out of the factory.
November 19, 1980 Boeing rolls out line No. 500 from the factory, a 747-200 Combi delivered Feb. 17, 1981, to Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS).
February 18, 1977 Specially equipped 747 carries U.S. space shuttle for the first time.
April 25, 1976 747SP enters commercial service with U.S.-based Pan American World Airways.
October 1975 747 worldwide fleet carries 100 millionth passenger.
July 4, 1975 First flight of the first 747SP; attains top speed of Mach 0.92.
May 19, 1975 First 747SP (special performance) rolls out of the factory.
March 7, 1975 747-200 Combi enters commercial service with Air Canada.
November 11, 1974 First flight of the first 747-200 Combi.
October 30, 1974 First 747-200 Combi rolls out of the factory.
October 7, 1973 First 747SR (short range) enters commercial service with Japan Airlines (Tokyo to Naha, Okinawa).
May 1973 747-200 Convertible enters commercial service with U.S.-based World Airways.
March 23, 1973 First flight of the first 747-200 Convertible.
February 28, 1973 First 747-200 Convertible rolls out of the factory.
September 1972 747 worldwide fleet accumulates one million flight hours.
April 19, 1972 747-200 Freighter enters commercial service with Lufthansa German Airlines.
November 30, 1971 First flight of the first 747-200 Freighter.
November 23, 1971 First 747-200 Freighter rolls out of the factory.
June 1971 747-200 enters commercial service with The Netherlands' KLM -- Royal Dutch Airlines.
February 11, 1971 Boeing delivers line No. 100 to U.S.-based Braniff Airlines.
January 1971 747 worldwide fleet accumulates 71 million miles in first year.
October 11, 1970 First flight of the first 747-200.
September 10, 1970 First 747-200 rolls out of the factory.
July 16, 1970 747 worldwide fleet carries one millionth passenger.
January 21, 1970 747-100 enters commercial service with U.S.-based Pan American World Airways on a New York-to-London flight.
December 30, 1969 The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration certifies the 747-100 for commercial service.
June 1969 First 747-100 participates in Paris Air Show.
February 9, 1969 First flight of the first 747-100.
September 30, 1968 First 747-100 rolls out of the factory.
June 1968 Boeing tests the new Pratt & Whitney JT9D engine, developed for the 747, on the wings of a Boeing B-52.
November 21, 1967 First 747 nose section arrives at the Everett plant from the Boeing plant in Wichita, Kan.
January 3, 1967 First production workers arrive at the Everett plant.
September 1966 Orders for the 747 reach $1.8 billion.
June 1966 Boeing purchases 780 acres, adjacent to Paine Field, Everett, Wash., to build the 747 production plant.
April 13, 1966 Pan American World Airways announces $525 million order for 25 Boeing 747s, effectively launching the 747 Program.
March 1966 Boeing board of directors decides to proceed with the 747 Program.
Spring 1963 Boeing forms engineering group to develop large airplane to meet passenger and cargo growth predicted for the 1970s.