They pretty much want all of it. They’re a small group really, but they’re not content with the 1.23 million acres of wilderness plus most of the 1.46 million acres of roadless areas that are managed as defacto wilderness. Nope, having more than 68% of the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests being off limits to any human management is not enough. They also want dominion over the 1.24 million acres of front range national forest that provides all the timber harvest from federal ground in our region of Idaho. They want the timber harvest to be reduced to as little as 8 million board feet per year from the current 50 million, along with emphasizing an ecological or natural process of managing the front range rather than any active human management.

We are, of course, talking about the local, regional and national environmental activist organizations and how they want the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests to be managed. They feel that they know better than the rest of us, including the forest professionals, on how a forest should be managed. And, as usual, they know not what they ask for. But then, what else is new?