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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
No, mine is pre-9/11.
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LTC Patrick Mulloney
I had a TBI which lead to an are of my brain dieing in the area where my head hit the wall. I was on leave at the time I actually felt the effects. My wife and I thought it Bells Paulsy. Years later, after I finally got upset at the VA and the army. I was admitted for a TBI appointment. During the brain scan they found the area. The doctor told me it was an apparent TBI since that area was dead. When I submitted for service connection for the TBI the VA denied my claim stating that there was no proof in my records that I suffered a TBI. I was a reservist and am appalled at the way the army treated us. 2003, Spending a few months or on AD to get our gear and get us freshly trained up for our deployment into cz. When we redeploy we turn in our gear, get a few medical appointments, fill out our Post Deployment Medical Health Record, which in my case nobody ever read, since they didn't notify me about the TBI I suffered, or the PTSD and other physical trauma I went through. It felt as if each time I redeployed the army just kicked me out the exit door, with hardly a thanks and said see you at deployment in another 4 years. My reservist commanders were terrible. They had little to no idea how to care, lead, or manage since they had no AD experience. I had been AD for close to 5 years. The point at what I am getting at is our leaders from the President through the Top Army General down to the ranks of those who have lived the nightmare of being a reservist on AD (4 Combat tours) need to seriously take a look at how Reservist are treated and cared for AFTER redeployment. They should NOT allow anyone to be in command unless they have served a minimum of two years AD. The jealousy, and lack of integrity, and leadership skills of my 2003 and 2010 reservist commander almost ruined my career.
Patrick H. Mulloney
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SPC James VandenHeuvel
I had an accident on the way to work at FT.Lewis WA. Motor pool a car came through my driver's door at about 70 I was left for dead then when I didn't die they gave me 10 hours to live but I didn't die I did get a major TBI broken hip internal bleeding and many other things ears and eye problems this happened in 1979 and I'm still work with a VA trying to get proper compensation.
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