Projects : Backyard Buoys

OverviewStewardship PlansPartnersContact


The Backyard Buoys project empowers Indigenous and other coastal communities to collect, steward, and use wave data that complements their existing knowledge to support their blue economy: maritime activities, food security, and coastal hazard protection. Innovations in the works include a modular, sustainable process for community-led stewardship of affordable ocean buoys and co-designed web-based applications that render data easy to access and to understand, and that bridge to Indigenous Knowledge.

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Backyard Buoys logo

For more information, please view our general informational flier and watch our video:


Backyard Buoys first deployment

May 3, 2023: Backyard Buoys deploys its first buoy, in Washington!


Stewardship Plans

One of the primary goals of the project is the co-development of Community Research Implementation and Stewardship Plans (CRISPs) that will be used by community stewards to execute the Backyard Buoy project. CRISPs will be developed with a user-friendly web-based tool designed to encourage community involvement and will be available on the project website tailored for the Indigenous partners’ needs.

Supporting Documentation


We have a geographically, academically, institutionally, and culturally diverse groups of partners collaborating on the Backyard Buoys project. Phase II continues the partnerships forged during Phase I between 1) three U.S. IOOS Regional Associations; 2) Indigenous partners in each region; 3) a proven ocean float developer; as well as new educational partners.

Pacific Northwest

NANOOS logo Quileute Nation logo Quinault Indian Nation (QIN) logo WWU logo
Quileute Nation logo
Quinault Indian Nation (QIN) logo
WWU logo


AOOS logo AEWC logo UAF logo Alaska DNR logo ANSEP logo
AOOS logo
AEWC logo
UAF logo
Alaska DNR logo
ANSEP logo

Pacific Islands

PacIOOS logo MICS logo NPS American Samoa logo UHSG logo CI Hawaii logo
PacIOOS logo
MICS logo
NPS American Samoa logo
UHSG logo
CI Hawaii logo

Buoy Devices

Sofar logo
Sofar logo

Project Management

Weston Solutions logo
Weston Solutions logo


For more information, please contact us at