Working for Washington State

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From requesting an American flag
to help with a federal agency,
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people of Washington state.  

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Patty Murray

Recent News

Murray, Sanders, Baldwin, Colleagues Demand Answers Over Trump Admin Illegally Cancelling Grants to Help Schools Across U.S. Train and Retain Quality Teachers

Top lawmakers press McMahon for urgent answers about when the Department will implement court orders to restore federal grants provided to help address the staff shortages and educator training needed in communities across the U.S. ICYMI: Senator Murray Statement on Trump Executive Order Seeking to Abolish Department of Education Washington, D.C. — Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Senate Appropriations Committee Vice

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The President-elect is free to select unqualified ...

Small businesses are the backbone of our economy ...

As the daughter of a WWII veteran, I know ...

RFK Jr. is a notorious conspiracy theorist and ...

ICYMI: the Senate confirmed Judge Rebecca Pennell ...

Make sure you and your family have affordable ...

Office Locations

Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. Office

154 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2621
Toll Free: (866) 481-9186

Everett, WA

Everett Office

2930 Wetmore Avenue, Ste. 9D
Everett, Washington 98201
Phone: (425) 259-6515

Richland Office

825 Jadwin Avenue
Suite 160K
Richland, WA 99352
Phone: (509) 453-7462

Spokane, WA

Spokane Office

920 West Riverside Avenue, Ste 485
Spokane, Washington 99201
Phone: (509) 624-9515

Seattle, WA

Seattle Office

2988 Jackson Federal Building
915 2nd Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98174
Phone: (206) 553-5545

Tacoma, WA

Tacoma Office

1301 A Street, Ste 213
Tacoma, Washington 98402
Phone: (253) 572-3636

Vancouver, WA

Vancouver Office

The Marshall House
1323 Officer’s Row
Vancouver, Washington 98661
Phone: (360) 696-7797

Olympia Office

771 Capitol Way Sound, Suite 502
Olympia, WA 98501
Phone: (360) 205-2878
