1 | | | Built Environment in Programs to Promote Physical Activity among Latino Children and Youth Living in the United States and in Latin America | | 2021 | 58731 | Articles |
2 | | | A Community Needs Assessment of the Physical Activity and Food Environment in a Predominantly Hispanic U.S. City | | 2016 | 44452 | Articles |
3 | | | Community Perspectives on Access to and Availability of Healthy Food in Rural, Low-Resource, Latino Communities | | 2016 | 47347 | Articles |
4 | | | A Critical Race Theory Analysis of Public Park Features in Latino Immigrant Neighborhoods | | 2016 | 54783 | Articles |
5 | | | Discrimination in America | Experiences and Views of Latinos | 2017 | MH21D15103 | Document |
6 | | | Exposure to Flood Hazards in Miami and Houston | Are Hispanic Immigrants at Greater Risk than Other Social Groups? | 2016 | 43713 | Articles |
7 | | | Havens of Risks or Resources? | A Study of Two Latino Neighborhoods in New York City | 2014 | 38832 | Articles |
8 | | | Hispanic Residential Isolation, ADHD Diagnosis and Stimulant Treatment among Medicaid-Insured Youth | | 2017 | 45826 | Articles |
9 | | | Home Environmental Influences on Childhood Obesity in the Latino Population | A Decade Review of Literature | 2017 | 45737 | Articles |
10 | | | Home Food Environment Factors Associated With Hispanic Preschoolers' Intake of Fruits and Vegetables | | 2019 | 54502 | Articles |
11 | | | Housing and Neighborhood Characteristics and Latino Farmworker Family Well-Being | | 2015 | 41319 | Articles |
12 | | | Housing Insecurity Among Latinxs | | 2022 | 61769 | Articles |
13 | | | Influence of the Local Food Environment on Hispanics’ Perceptions of Healthy Food Access in New York City | | 2018 | 50205 | Articles |
14 | | | The Neighborhood Environment and Hispanic/Latino Health | | 2022 | 60626 | Articles |
15 | | | Neighborhood Social Cohesion and Walking Limitations in Ethnically Diverse Older Latinos in the United States | | 2019 | 52950 | Articles |
16 | | | Neighborhood Walkability and Overweight/Obese Weight Status Among Latino Adults | | 2020 | 56135 | Articles |
17 | | | Psychosocial and Neighborhood Correlates of Health-Related Quality of Life | A Multi-Level Study Among Hispanic Adults | 2020 | 57306 | Articles |
18 | | | Residential Segregation, Neighborhood Social and Physical Context in Obesity Disparities in Hispanic Preschoolers | A Conceptual Model | 2017 | 46198 | Articles |
19 | | | Rural Latino Youth Park Use | Characteristics, Park, Amenities, and Physical Activity | 2011 | 31151 | Articles |
20 | | | Urban Natural Environments, Obesity, and Health-Related Quality of Life among Hispanic Children Living in Inner-City Neighborhoods | | 2016 | 43343 | Articles |