Multilingual Education Webinars and Newsletters

The Multilingual Education Program provides monthly information sessions, weekly newsletters, and webinars for program support. Information and updates sent in newsletters and resources from these sessions are posted here.

Monthly Information Sessions

Monthly Information Sessions are held at 9:00-10:00 am and 3:00-4:00 pm on the first Thursday of each month. These sessions provide professional learning and timely information for leaders of Multilingual Learner programs. Sessions for the 2023-24 school year will include these topics:

Please see pdEnroller to sign up for clock hours and access Zoom links for these sessions.

Newsletter Updates

Use these links to access information from the weekly Multilingual Education Program Updates newsletters.

Previous Program Updates


The Multilingual Education department at OSPI provides webinars to support program development for dual and heritage language programs. See these pdEnroller links for more information.

2022-23 Webinar Resources

Here are the resources from the May 11th Multilingual Webinar Series: Title III and TBIP Grants & Program Evaluation

Here are the resources from the March 16th Multilingual Webinar Series: Multilingual Students with Disabilities

Here are the resources from the January 19th Multilingual Webinar Series: Long-Term English Learners.

Here are the resources from the November 17th Supporting Newcomers & Refugees.

Here are the resources from the September 8th Multilingual Webinar Series: Program Administration for New Directors.