1 | | | "Abrazame Que Ayuda" (Hug Me, It Helps) | Social Support and the Effect of Perceived Discrimination on Depression Among US- and Foreign-Born Latinxs in the USA | 2020 | 57710 | Articles |
2 | | | The Assets and Challenges of Formerly Incarcerated Latino Men’s Social Support Networks in Promoting Healthy Behaviors | | 2018 | 50384 | Articles |
3 | | | Building Social Capital to Promote Adolescent Wellbeing | A Qualitative Study with Teens in a Latino Agricultural Community | 2017 | 47499 | Articles |
4 | | | Cautious Citizenship | The Deterring Effect of Immigration Issue Salience on Health Care Use and Bureaucratic Interactions among Latino US Citizens | 2017 | 46636 | Articles |
5 | | | Do Cultural Values Have a Role in Health Equity? | A Study of Latina Mothers and Daughters | 2019 | 51927 | Articles |
6 | | | Experiences with Machismo and Pain | Latino Veterans | 2020 | 56181 | Articles |
7 | | | Family Strengths and Latinx Youth Externalizing Behavior | Modifying Impacts of an Adverse Immigration Environment | 2020 | 56606 | Articles |
8 | | | Gender Violence Among Latinas | Key Concepts and Cultural Considerations | 2020 | MH20D14784 | Document |
9 | | | Havens of Risks or Resources? | A Study of Two Latino Neighborhoods in New York City | 2014 | 38832 | Articles |
10 | | | Hazardous Drinking and Exposure to Interpersonal and Community Violence on Both Sides of the U.S.-Mexico Border | | 2017 | 48505 | Articles |
11 | | | Health Implications of an Immigration Raid | Findings from a Latino Community in the Midwestern United States | 2017 | 46059 | Articles |
12 | | | Hispanic English Language Learner Families and Food Insecurity During COVID-19 | Risk Factors and Systems of Food Support | 2022 | 61100 | Articles |
13 | | | Intersection of Cultural and Religious Beliefs About Mental Health | Latinos in the Faith-Based Setting | 2019 | 52820 | Articles |
14 | | | Latino Civic Group Participation Social Networks, and Physical Activity | | 2016 | 42996 | Articles |
15 | | | Profiles of Bullying Victimization, Discrimination, Social Support, and School Safety | Links with Latino/a Youth Acculturation, Gender, Depressive Symptoms, and Cigarette Use | 2016 | 49572 | Articles |
16 | | | Skin Color Matters in the Latinx Community | A Call for Action in Research, Training, and Practice | 2021 | 59065 | Articles |
17 | | | Social Support and Religiosity as Contributing Factors to Resilience and Mental Wellbeing in Latino Immigrants | A Community-Based Participatory Research Study | 2021 | 59351 | Articles |
18 | | | Social Support Protects Against Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression | Key Variations in Latinx and Non-Latinx White College Students | 2021 | 57641 | Articles |
19 | | | Striving to Thrive | Community Cultural Wealth and Legal Immigration Status | 2021 | 59812 | Articles |