Rural Healthcare Provider Transition Project Application

The Primary Contact will receive an email confirmation that the online application was successfully submitted. If you have any questions, please contact Angie LaFlamme at (218) 216-7022 or

Lead Organization & Primary Contact Information

Please include suite on a second line

Chief Executive Officer Information

You may provide extension information in this field.

Administrative Assistant Information

You may include extensions in this field.

Contact Person
Communication about this application will be directed to this individual.

You may provide extension information in this field.


Application Information
Program Participation
Please check all that you participate in.
Please rank the order of the following quality focus areas to indicate you need.  Please select a number only once.

1=biggest need for your organization /  4=least amount of need for your organization

Please indicate your status for the following non-Medicare alternative payments or care delivery models. 

Eligibility Requirements

I have read and confirm that my organization meets all eligibility requirements to participate in the Rural Healthcare Provider Transition Project.

Will the applicant's governing body and/or principal sign a letter of commitment to work closely with HRSA's technical assistance provider(s) to achieve the objectives of the Rural Healthcare Provider Transition Project?

Participation Expectations
I have read and I'm in agreement with the participation expectations . I understand that the participation requirements are the basic necessities that my health care organization must be willing and able to meet to fulfill the RHPTP purpose and goals.

The Primary Contact will receive an email confirmation that the online application was successfully submitted. If you have any questions, please contact Rhonda Barcus at (904) 321-7607 or