STEM Innovations and Global Competence
Ended Mar 1, 2025
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Full course description
This course is an offering of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
This course will focus on the intersection of STEM subjects and global competence and will feature a variety of resources, reflection activities, and testimonials from teachers across the United States. Global competence and global collaboration are essential to progress in the overlapping fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The interconnectedness of our world and the rise of new technologies demand that students be prepared to work across borders. To prepare for the jobs of tomorrow, students will need a set of specific skills that will enable them to fully participate, problem solve, and adapt in our changing world. The ability to engage with multiple perspectives in the pursuit of knowledge will be key to their success. Global competence in STEM requires today’s students to recognize their responsibilities to both the local and global communities.
- Understand the intersection of STEM innovations and global competence.
- Facilitate local and global STEM connections for cross cultural collaboration.
- Develop skills and instructional strategies to create, develop and assess meaningful STEM curriculum that fosters student innovation and global competence.
- Build resources for further learning, networking and integrating of STEM topics and global competence.
In this introductory course on STEM Innovations and Global Competence, educators can expect to participate in the following: readings and videos, multimedia quizzes, case studies, video chats, webinars, discussion boards, and reflections. Educators are encouraged to apply practical strategies from the course in their classrooms and schools. Throughout the course, educators will share their reflections, questions, and resources in discussion boards. By the end of Module Three, participants will have developed an Action Plan for a Global STEM Project to implement in their classrooms.
Upon completion of the course, educators will receive a U.S. Department of State Certificate noting five hours of professional learning. Educators will also have access to globally competent educator badges that can be used in email signatures and professional profiles.
This is an open registration, free, self-paced course. There are three modules within the course, and each module is projected to take 1.5 hours to complete. Participants will join discussion boards upon signing up for the course. To stay on pace in the course, it is recommended that educators complete one module per week; however, educators are encouraged to work within a timeframe that benefits them.
This course is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and administered by IREX.