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975 N. Post Road
Indianapolis IN 46219
Invitation to the 2024 Indiana Warren Arts & Education Foundation and the
Department of Children Services, Attendance and Trauma Conference
You are invited you to attend the 2024 Indiana Warren Arts & Education Foundation,
Attendance and Trauma Informed Care Conference, titled "Building Hope: Finding Solutions
for the Future of Attendance. A Journey Through Adversity and Trauma Informed Care".
The conference will be held on May 14-15, 2024, at the Marriott North in Indianapolis, Indiana.
This year's event promises to be an exceptional opportunity for educators, administrators, and
other stakeholders to engage in crucial conversations about chronic absenteeism and trauma- informed solutions. As you know, these issues are critically impacting student success and
overall well-being, and collaboration is key to finding effective solutions.
In addition to presentations, the conference will offer workshops, networking opportunities, and
a chance to engage with leading researchers and practitioners in the field:
• Dr. Carolyn Gentle-Genitty: Discussing the economics of school attendance
• Dr. Arya Ansari: Presenting his national research on trauma-informed practices
• Dr. Clea McNeely: Sharing insights on data protocols and analytics
• Dr. Patricia Gracyzk: The importance of teams in responding to attendance challenges
• Dr. David Heyne: Offering global perspectives on attendance challenges and solutions
Whether you are a superintendent, board member, school social worker, counselor,
family/parent liaison, judge, or another involved stakeholder, this conference offers valuable
insights and strategies you can put into practice to improve school attendance and promote
student success.
I encourage you to register for the conference today and share this invitation with your
colleagues! Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of our students.
Don't miss out on the early bird discount! Register by April 15, 2024 and use the promo code
earlybird1 to save $50.00 off of your registration. Space is limited to 520 attendees, so register
early to secure your spot.
Visit our registration website:
We look forward to welcoming you to Indianapolis in May!
James Taylor, MSW
MSD Warren Township
Director for Social & Student Services,
Director for the Moorhead Community Center
Office: 317 532-3854