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The ocean and humanity are connected. To ensure the health and economic vitality of ocean ecosystems, ocean management needs an upgrade. Ocean Watch provides the data and information policymakers need to make better-informed decisions about sustainable ocean management.

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Land-Based Pollution

Addressing threats to the ocean often begins on land

The land and the ocean are strongly connected by a series of human and natural processes, fueling ocean life cycles. Human activities on land have introduced higher levels of sediment and toxic chemicals into the ocean, threatening the health of the coast, ocean resources and billions of people

Proportion of sub-basins with a high or extremely high potential of driving coastal eutrophication


Ocean and Climate Change

The ocean is central to regulating the global climate.

Number of countries with ocean-related adaption and mitigation measures in their Nationally Determined Contribution

76 of 198

Ocean Biodiversity

Biodiversity — the variety and variability of life on Earth — is the natural capital people depend on for survival

Average proportion of biodiversity hotspots within protected areas


Marine Protected Areas

Marine protected areas (MPAs) defend key ocean habitats against threats, so the ocean can continue its pivotal role as a vibrant source of food and economic opportunity

Proportion of the marine environment that is currently protected


Dependence on the Ocean

Humans rely on the ocean for sufficient, safe and nutritious food

Blue Economy

The ocean is an engine of livelihoods, transport, commerce and energy production

Countries with the highest share of national CO₂ emissions from maritime bunker fuels


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land-based pressures upon the ocean

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Coral Reefs

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