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Parliamentary question - E-000490/2021Parliamentary question

The role of public transport in the Commission’s strategy on sustainable and smart mobility

Question for written answer  E-000490/2021
to the Commission
Rule 138
Jan-Christoph Oetjen (Renew)

The modal shift towards public transport solutions is a key element of any efficient sustainable transport policy.

This shift brings considerable environmental benefits (reduction in CO2 emissions and congestion). Most of the emissions in the transport sector come from local, urban daily mobility. In 2016, passenger cars accounted for 71 % of passenger transport, representing only a very slight decrease compared to their modal share in 1996 (73.2 %)[1]. Yet the role and place of modal shift and public transport within the strategy seems insufficient. Our ambitious climate objectives will never be achieved without a proper role being accorded to modal shift and massive action and support for the development of mass transit solutions.

Last updated: 11 February 2021
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