Secure, web-based graphical user interface and map server providing analytical capabilities and a decision support system for dam/levee security.

Free-of-charge system available 24/7 to FEMA, state dam safety offices, and stakeholder federal and state agencies.

Simplified data entry in 12 easy steps with real-time validation of user input. User input is kept to a strict minimum.

Automated input data preparation using national databases (USGS, NED DEM, levees, bridges, classified land-use/cover).

Upwind, shock-capturing scheme handles wetting/drying and allows for mixed-regime flows (subcritical, transcritical and supercritical).

Provides automated, two-dimensional flood modeling/mapping capabilities with cell sizes from 20 ft. to 200 ft.

Displays inundation extent periodically during the simulation. In 80% of the cases, results are available in less than one hour.

The final results package includes a PDF report, raster files ( HAZUS-MH compatible), shapefiles, and a KMZ file of the inundation extent.

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Designed and Maintained by

The National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering
The University of Mississippi

Operated for

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Federal Emergency Management Agency

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