Welcome to the
New Mexico State Land OfficeThe Land Office is open for business, and our purpose is funding public education and other public institutions. Commissioner Garcia Richard is tasked with overseeing 9 million surface acres and 13 million mineral acres. We make money by leasing state trust land for a multitude of purposes including oil and gas, renewable energy, agriculture, and a broad array of commercial uses.
The New Mexico State Land Office is
Public Meetings on Proposed Rio Sol Transmission Line
The New Mexico State Land Office is holding three public meetings in February to receive public comment regarding a proposed right of way application submitted by RETA for the RioSol Transmission Project right of way application for an easement from the New Mexico State Land Office. The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 18 in Socorro. LEARN MORE!
Wildfire Disaster Assistance
Assistance is available for those impacted by New Mexico’s wildfires. Individuals in Colfax, Lincoln, Mora, San Miguel, and Valencia Counties who have experienced losses from these wildfires can apply with FEMA for assistance. Options include:
- Apply online at DisasterAssistance.gov
- Call 1-800-621-3362 or 1-800-462-7585 (TTY) for the hearing and speech impaired from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. MT.
For updates on New Mexico’s wildfires, visit nmfireinfo.com. You can also call a hotline at 1-800-432-2080, Option #4 if you need help identifying shelter or other resources.
Public Research Room Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. to 12 noon, and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., by appointment only
Please e-mail Esther Cordova at ecordova@nmslo.gov cc: echavez@nmslo.gov to request an appointment.
Leasing Information
Recreational Access
Commercial Development
GIS & Mapping Resources
There’s a lot going on!
What’s happening
New Mexico public lands are your lands and we want you to know what the State Land Office is doing to maximize their full potential. Check out what we are doing to encourage grazing, oil and gas production, renewable energy, and economic development opportunities while protecting our land, water, air, and wildlife.
Highlighted/Available Property
New Mexico is home to some of the greatest supply of solar and wind energy potential in the country and millions of miles of unencumbered land prime for commercial development. Looking for land to develop for renewable energy, commercial, farming, or telecom services? We can help!