Street sweep schedule map

Our handy interactive map shows you when your street is scheduled for sweeping. Scroll down to see the map.

How to use the map

Scroll down to the map

  • Click, drag or zoom in and out, or enter an address to interact with the map.
  • Follow the color coding to see when your street will be swept.

What to know

  • We'll update the schedule by the Friday of the week before sweeping starts, and then on Friday prior to each week.
  • During the sweep, we'll update the schedule to show daily sweeping progress.
  • This map shows only streets scheduled during this program. A few other streets, such as parkways and downtown streets, may be swept on days not shown here. See unscheduled routes for details.
  • The schedule may change. Check back just before your scheduled day or if you think we missed your street.
  • Remember to watch for No Parking signs.

Unscheduled routes

  • There are many downtown streets and streets in other commercial areas that are routinely swept at night without the need to move parked vehicles.
  • Some streets may have permanent parking restrictions that allow crews to sweep at any time. For that reason, they're not included in this service.
  • These streets are referred to as Unscheduled Routes in the street schedule map.

Request accessible format

If you need help with this information, please email 311, or call 311 or 612-673-3000.

Please tell us what format you need. It will help us if you say what assistive technology you use.

Minneapolis street sweep map