You Can Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease

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Update from the Office on Women's Health

HHS Office on Women's Health (OWH)

heart health month

Are You At Risk for Heart Disease?

Heart disease and stroke are important health issues for all women. Heart disease is the number one killer of American women, and stroke is fourth. While heart disease is most common in older women, most women between 40 and 60 years old have at least one risk factor for heart disease. 

The good news is you can lower your risk for heart disease and stroke at any age! 

Some of the symptoms and risk factors for heart disease and heart attack are different for women than men. These symptoms include:

    • Pain in the back, neck, jaw, or throat
    • Indigestion
   • Heartburn
   • Nausea (feeling sick to the stomach)
   • Vomiting
   • Extreme fatigue (tiredness)
   • Problems breathing (shortness of breath) 

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Did You Know? Certain habits and health problems can raise your risk for heart disease. There are some factors you can control (diet, exercise, not smoking), some factors you can improve (high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes), and some factors you cannot change (age, family history and menopause).

When it comes to prevention, there are things you can do every day towards a more heart-healthy lifestyle. And a big benefit is that being more heart-healthy also lowers your risk for other diseases like cancer and diabetes. Click here to learn more about living your best heart: 

                                      Steps to a Healthier Heart

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