
  • Be proud at your library

    Pride month

    June is Pride month! Celebrate with events, music, and books for all ages.

  • Photos of birds in Birds of the World.

    Birds of the World

    Find information about bird species from around the world, including maps, images, videos, and songs and calls.

  • The photo shows a large print keyboard for a computer.

    Assistive technology

    Ask for software and devices to help you see or hear so you may use computers, read and hear clearly in our spaces.

  • stylized image of an open green and blue book on a yellow background

    Reading tutors needed

    Hennepin County Library is looking for Reading Tutor Volunteers to help with a new program!

  • If you like "Bridgerton"

    Can't get enough Bridgerton? Spend more time in Regency England with this mix of movies, fiction and nonfiction.