• Organic waste treatment technologies pose specific health and safety risks, which operators need to manage

  • Hi-tech recycling requires hi-quality safety.

  • Go to work on an egg – PPE saves lives

  • Good risk assessment = good safety

  • Road safety is key for waste collections

Case studies.

Examples of good practice from across the industry. The aim is to inspire you through the actions and initiatives of other operators.


Information sheets on various aspects of health and safety in the waste management industry, but not related directly to any formal WISH guidance document.


Examples of good practice relating to a formal WISH guidance document, or further information to assist operators in understanding or applying formal WISH guidance.

Welcome to The WISH Forum.

The Waste Industry Safety and Health (WISH) Forum exists to communicate and consult with key stakeholders, including local and national government bodies, equipment manufacturers, trade associations, professional associations and trade unions. The aim of WISH is to identify, devise and promote activities that can improve industry health and safety performance. www.hse.gov.uk/waste/wish.htm

WISH Guidance Documents.

One of the major outputs from WISH is guidance and information on a series of health and safety topics for the waste management industry. This web site contains all WISH guidance. Use the toolbar above, to access WISH guidance.

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Supported by the University Innovation Fund

Copyright 2020 WISH - Waste Industry Safety and Health Forum