Motion for a resolution - B9-0165/2021Motion for a resolution

MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the European Week of Freedom of Speech


pursuant to Rule 143 of the Rules of Procedure

Robert Roos, Rob Rooken


Motion for a European Parliament resolution on the European Week of Freedom of Speech

The European Parliament,

 having regard to Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union,

 having regard to Rule 143 of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas in October 2020, Samuel Paty, a French schoolteacher, was brutally beheaded, solely because he wanted to teach the next generation of Europeans about freedom of expression;

B. whereas such attacks reaffirm the importance of protecting our fundamental values such as freedom of thought, speech and education against all radical and totalitarian ideologies;

C. whereas it is of the utmost importance that we symbolise our determination to remain united and to ensure that we will never be silenced;

D. whereas in October 2021 it will be a year since the murder of Samuel Paty;

1. Proposes that the EU organises its first annual European Week of Freedom of Speech in October 2021 in remembrance of all those who have suffered or lost their lives defending the freedom of speech;

2. Calls on the Council and the Commission to support this proposal on behalf of the European Union.


Last updated: 4 March 2021
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