Award Abstract # 1517541
Abundance of the Elements and Stellar Chemistry

Division Of Astronomical Sciences
Initial Amendment Date: September 10, 2015
Latest Amendment Date: July 17, 2020
Award Number: 1517541
Award Instrument: Standard Grant
Program Manager: Harshal Gupta
 Division Of Astronomical Sciences
 Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien
Start Date: September 15, 2015
End Date: February 28, 2021 (Estimated)
Total Intended Award Amount: $503,000.00
Total Awarded Amount to Date: $586,091.00
Funds Obligated to Date: FY 2015 = $503,000.00
FY 2020 = $83,091.00
History of Investigator:
  • Katharina Lodders (Principal Investigator)
  • M. Bruce Fegley (Co-Principal Investigator)
Recipient Sponsored Research Office: Washington University
MO  US  63110
Sponsor Congressional District: 01
Primary Place of Performance: Washington University
MO  US  63130-4899
Primary Place of Performance
Congressional District:
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): L6NFUM28LQM5
Parent UEI:
Primary Program Source: 01001516DB NSF RESEARCH & RELATED ACTIVIT
Program Reference Code(s): 1205, 9150
Program Element Code(s): 121600
Award Agency Code: 4900
Fund Agency Code: 4900
Assistance Listing Number(s): 47.049


The investigators will provide a fundamental framework for interpreting the abundances and chemical composition of the gas and dust in stellar environments. The investigations are important for many different areas in astrophysics and the chemistry of the cosmos. A major task is a large update to the reference set of abundances of the elements in our own Solar System, derived from samples of meteorites; these so-called "solar abundances" are used as a fundamental references for the study of properties of other stars and galaxies in the universe.

The investigators will lead a cross-campus initiative, encouraging undergraduate students from the computer sciences to participate in this research. The results from this research are integrated into new/revised textbooks and in class materials and lectures. The female investigator serves as a role model for young women considering scientific careers. Outreach: The investigators work with the university public affairs office to issue press releases to spread results to the public; e.g., about brown dwarf weather, raining pebbles on a molten-rock planet, or about evaporating the Earth. Their investigation also supports a PhD thesis and undergraduate research.

Element abundances are an important input to many chemical models in astronomy. The solar elemental abundances are commonly used as a reference when describing astronomical objects. The proposed chemistry calculations are relevant for understanding gas molecule and condensate formation in protostellar disks (with and without planetary formation); and in ejecta of evolved stars that feed dust and gas to the ISM, from which new stellar and planetary systems originate. Dying stars rarely have overall solar composition, especially not for C, N, and O, that govern redox conditions. The gas and dust chemistry strongly depends on the C/O ratio and the study aims to derive a complete set of condensation temperatures for all elements under non-solar conditions. The proposed work for chemistry at non-solar metallicities is highly relevant to planet formation models around high metallicity stars, as well as condensation around low-metallicity stars or even in dusty galaxies at high red-shift.


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(Showing: 1 - 10 of 29)
Hoppe, P., Lodders, K., Fujiya, W. "Sulfur in presolar silicon carbide grains from asymptotic giant branch stars" Meteoritics Planet. Sci. , v.50 , 2015 , p.1122-1138
Fegley, B. Jacobson, N.S., Williams, K.B., Plane, J.M.C., Schaefer, L., Lodders, K. "SOLUBILITY OF ROCK IN STEAM ATMOSPHERES OF PLANETS" Astrophysical Journal , v.824 , 2016 , p.id103 10.3847/0004-637X/824/2/103
Haenecour, P., Floss, C., Jose, J., Amari, S., Lodders, K., Jadhav, M., Wang, A., Gyngard, F. "Discovery of Presolar Graphite From a CO Nova Ejecta" Astrophysical Journal , v.825 , 2016 , p.id88 10.3847/0004-637X/825/2/88
Hoppe, P., Lodders, K. Fujiya, W. "Sulfur in presolar silicon carbide grains from asymptotic giant branch stars" Meteoritics & Planetary Science , v.50 , 2015 , p.1122-1138 10.1111/maps.12449
Schaefer, L., Fegley, B. "Redox States of Initial Atmospheres Outgassed on Rocky Planets and Planetesimals" Astrophysical Journal , v.843 , 2017 , p.id120 0.3847/1538-4357/aa784f
Jiang, Y., Chen, H., Fegley, B., Jr., Lodders, K., Hsu W., Jacobsen, S.B., Wang, K "Implications of K, Cu and Zn isotopes for formation of tektites" Geochim Cosmochim Acta , v.259 , 2019 , p.170-187
Bloom, H., Lodders, K. Chen, H., Zhao, C., Tian, Z., Koefoed, P., Pet?, M.K., Jiang, Y., Wang, K. "Potassium isotope compositions of carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites: Implications on the origin of volatile depletion in the early solar system" Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta , v.277 , 2020 , p.111 10.1016/j.gca.2020.03.018
Carrillo-Sánchez, Juan Diego, David L. Bones, Kevin M. Douglas, George J. Flynn, Sue Wirick, Bruce Fegley, Tohru Araki, Burkhard Kaulich, and John MC Plane. ""Injection of meteoric phosphorus into planetary atmospheres."" Planetary and Space Science , 2020 , p.104926.
Fegley, B., Lodders, K., Jacobson, N.S. "Chemistry during accretion of the Earth" Geochemistry (Chemie der Erde) , v.80 , 2020 , p.125594 10.1016/j.chemer.2019.125594
Haenecour, P., Howe, J.Y., Zega, T.J., Amari, S., Lodders, K., Jose, J., Kaji, K., Sunaoshi, T., Muto, A. "Laboratory evidence for co-condensed O- and C-rich meteoritic stardust from nova outbursts" Nature Astronomy , v.3 , 2019 , p.626 10.1038/s41550-019-0757-4
Jiang, Y., Chen, H., Fegley, B., Lodders, K., Hsu, W., Jacobsen, S.B., Wang, K. "High-precision K and Zn isotopes of tektites: Isotopic and thermodynamic constraints on the behavior of moderately volatiles elements during impacts" Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta , v.259 , 2018 , p.170 10.1016/j.gca.2019.06.003
(Showing: 1 - 10 of 29)



This Project Outcomes Report for the General Public is displayed verbatim as submitted by the Principal Investigator (PI) for this award. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this Report are those of the PI and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation; NSF has not approved or endorsed its content.

We use chemical thermodynamics and where relevant chemical kinetics to model chemistry in different astrophysical environments including protoplanetary accretion disks, hot silicate vapor atmospheres on accreting rocky planets, and cool stars with molecules and dust in their visible atmospheres (photospheres) and in circumstellar shells of evolved stars. Necessary inputs for thermochemical computations are elemental abundances, complete thermodynamic functions, and temperature and total pressure.

Elemental abundances for solar composition systems come from chemical analyses of stony meteorites called CI-chondrites, photospheric spectra, and other datasets as described in our 2020 review of elemental and isotopic abundances of the 83 elements that occur in nature. Solar elemental abundances are the baseline for abundances in astronomical environments with variable metal/hydrogen ratios, i.e., variable metallicity [M/H]. We described the historical approaches that were made to determine the overall elemental composition of the solar system and give many data tables. Our 2020 paper is at the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Planetary Sciences ( Our website (The Planetary Chemistry Laboratory, also has our papers and data tables.

It is not as simple as it seems to determine the correct solar system abundance of an element. For example, results from other researchers in 2017 suggested that chlorine, bromine, and iodine abundances in CI-chondrites are up to ten times smaller than previously thought. However, this is not plausible because those Cl, Br, I abundances are out of trend with other elements and plot too low on the smooth curve when odd-numbered nuclide abundances are plotted versus mass numbers. Those smaller values also disagree with the chlorine abundances in the Sun, other dwarf stars, and other astronomical environments. We recommend a set of halogen abundances (F, Cl, Br, I) from careful analysis of a large dataset of astronomical and geochemical measurements and used them to redo condensation temperatures for the halogens. Lodders (2020) and another paper by Fegley et al (2020) report this work.

Although many stars have the same composition as our Sun, some contain more metals while others contain less metals. We studied the effects of these metallicity variations ([M/H]) on our chemical equilibrium condensation temperatures and present the results in a new paper currently being prepared for submission to a scientific journal. One important finding is that functions such as

1/Tcond = a + b log Ptotal + c [M/H] +{g(P, [M/H]}

give condensation temperatures for many elements within 1-5 K. We did condensation calculations over wide total pressure, temperature and metallicity ranges, e.g., 10-6 to 100 bar, and 0.1 - 10 times the solar metallicity. We describe the calculations and results for many of the 83 natural elements and give the necessary equations for easy computations of condensation temperatures as a function of pressure and metallicity. The pressure and metallicity ranges correspond to appropriate ranges given by independent physical modeling, e.g., of protoplanetary disks, but the physical models are not critical for the computations because thermodynamic equilibrium is path independent and can be calculated for any given temperature, total pressure, and composition. Thus in turn, the results here could be used to constrain total pressure and metallicity ranges when they can be matched with observations of elemental abundances that show characteristics of chemical gas and condensate fractionations.

 We have updated and expanded our thermodynamic data base as part of this project. Thermodynamic (and where relevant kinetic) data, temperature, pressure, and elemental abundances are the necessary inputs for our modeling of chemistry in diverse astronomical environments. Thermodynamic data come from standard compilations such as the JANAF Tables and its Russian counterpart the IVTAN Tables and numerous individual research papers in the literature. Kinetic data come from standard compilations such as the NIST kinetic databases. In addition to the enthalpies of formation, it is important to include the temperature-dependent entropies and heat capacities as a function of temperature for all gases, solids, and liquids to have complete thermodynamic functions for the computations. The thermodynamic data for all substances need to be self-consistent and be referenced to the same set of standard state for each element. Not all compilations use the same reference data for the elements, but this is ensured in our data base.

Last Modified: 06/23/2021
Modified by: Katharina Lodders

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