On March 11 the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) adopted a range of ocean salmon fishing season alternatives for the 2025 fishing year (May 16, 2025 - May 15, 2026). The alternatives also reflect any seasons in effect prior to May 16 as the impacts from those seasons are assessed in the development of the coming season. Interested individuals may provide comment on the proposed season alternatives including a mix of preferences between alternatives to the PFMC through several avenues:
First, you may attend the virtual public hearing that starts at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, March 25, 2025. Details on how to attend can be found here.
Second, you may submit written testimony up until April 3, 2025 via the PFMC's Public Comment Portal that can be found here.
Third, you may register and testify on any of the PMFC's April Meeting agenda items for the meeting in San Jose, CA that is scheduled for April 10-15. You may sign up and testify remotely at this link please make sure to review the FAQ on how to testify including timeframes and how to connect using the RingCentral app.
You may review the PFMC adopted salmon season alternatives at the following link: Graphic representation of the troll alternatives for Oregon
ACTION TAKEN (no action): The planned ocean Chinook salmon season (all-salmon-except coho) will open as scheduled from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. from March 15 through May 15. The bag limit will be two salmon, except closed to retention of coho, with minimum size limits of 24” for Chinook and 20” for steelhead.
RATIONALE: The recreational ocean salmon fishery off Oregon in March, April, and early May typically has very low effort and Chinook catch. Fishery managers and industry representatives agreed that this opening would not create any difficulty in developing the remainder of the ocean seasons for the 2025 fishing year. Seasons from May 16, 2025 through May 15, 2026 are currently being developed. Season alternatives will be reviewed and a final season recommendation made at the Pacific Fishery Management Council public meeting in San Jose, CA from April 10-15, 2025. Interested members of the public should visit for information on how to participate in the April meeting.
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), the State of Oregon, the State of California, and advisory body members met today via conference call and have taken the following in-season management actions related to the scheduled March and April commercial troll Chinook salmon openings off Oregon:
• Effective March 15, 2025, at 12:01 a.m., the commercial salmon troll fishery in the area between Cape Falcon, OR, and Humbug Mountain, OR, is closed through April 9, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.
• Effective March 15, 2025, at 12:01 a.m., the commercial salmon troll fishery in the area between Humbug Mountain and the Oregon/California border is closed through April 14, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.
RATIONALE: The closures in the early commercial troll fisheries off Oregon were due to forecast impacts on California Chinook salmon stocks. Those high impacts were of concern for the ability to develop seasons for the remainder of 2025. Seasons from May 16, 2025 through early May 15, 2026 are currently being developed.
Any season adjustments prior to May 16 will be addressed through further in-season action. Season alternatives for the remainder of 2025 will be reviewed and a final season recommendation made at the April Pacific Fishery Management Council public meeting in San Jose, CA from April 10-15, 2025. Interested members of the public should visit for information on how to participate in the April meeting.
2025 OCEAN SALMON PRESEASON PLANNING MEETING NOTICE: The meeting will be held in the OSU Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building on the Hatfield Marine Science Center's campus in Newport, Oregon.
The 2025 Ocean Salmon Industry Group Meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 28, 2025. This meeting will provide a review of the 2024 seasons, take a first look at the 2025 salmon forecasts, and begin the development of Oregon preferred recreational and commercial ocean salmon season concepts via public input to take forward through the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) regulation setting process. The meeting will be held both in person and virtually this year (see details below). This meeting is open to all ocean sport fishing anglers and charter operators, commercial salmon troll fishers, and any others interested in participating in the development of the 2025 ocean salmon seasons. Staff from ODFW will provide background materials and presentations, NOAA staff will discuss guidelines and issues affecting the 2025 salmon season structure, and then ODFW staff will work with meeting attendees to develop preferred season alternatives to use as guidance moving forward through the Pacific Fishery Management Council's season setting process. The meeting is planned to start at 9:00 AM on Friday, February 28. It is recommended that participants attending on-line, test their system prior to the meeting to iron out any technical problems they may have. There is also an option available to call in by phone. Links to the agenda and briefing materials for the meeting will be posted below as they come available. Please visit the PFMC’s website at for details on their March and April meetings. For those attending in person, the meeting will be held in the auditorium of the OSU Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building on the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon. No food or drink is allowed in the auditorium, so please plan accordingly.
Topic: 2025 Ocean Salmon Industry Group Meeting
Time: Friday Feb 28, 2025; 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Meeting Materials:
Meeting presentations and handouts
Meeting recording part 1 (ODFW & NOAA presentations)
Meeting recording part 2 (public comment section)
Recreational ocean salmon anglers in the area from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mountain are reminded that the non-selective coho coho fishery ended on Sunday, September 15 with approximately 93% of the 30,700 coho quota harvested. After considering potential effort and catch rates, managers have determined that there is not enough remaining quota to reopen coho fishing for an additional day without risk of exceeding the quota and corresponding ESA impact allocation reserved for this fishery.
Anglers are reminded that recreational Chinook fishing (technically all salmon except coho) remains open in the area, through October 31 with a daily bag limit of two salmon (24” minimum length). Beginning October 1, the fishery is only open shoreward of the 40-fathom management line.
September 11, 2024 RECREATIONAL OCEAN SALMON ACTION NOTICE: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the State of Oregon, the Pacific Fishery Management Council, the States of Washington and California, and fishery representatives met today via conference call and have taken the following in-season management action related to the ocean recreational non-mark selective coho salmon season from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt.:
ACTIONS TAKEN: The ocean recreational salmon season between Cape Falcon and Humbug Mt. closes to the retention of coho salmon effective 11:59 PM Sunday, September 15, 2024. The season remains open for Chinook salmon with a daily bag limit of two salmon (24” minimum length). All other rules and regulations remain in place.
RATIONALE: The Cape Falcon to Humbug Mountain non-mark-selective coho salmon season opened on Sunday, September 1, 2024, with a revised adjusted quota of 30,700 coho salmon. As of Sunday September 8, the coho salmon catch was estimated at 17,789, or approximately 58% of the total quota. Forecasting the coho harvest for the week starting on September 9 indicates that there is a reasonable likelihood that the revised quota may be met by the end of the week. Managers agreed that the best approach is to close the fishery to retention of coho at the end of Sunday. Anglers are reminded that following the closure to coho retention the fishery from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mountain remains open for all salmon except coho, with a two salmon daily bag limit. Beginning October 1, the fishery is only open shoreward of the 40-fathom management line.
August 29, 2024 RECREATIONAL OCEAN SALMON ACTION NOTICE: NOAA Fisheries in consultation with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, representatives from the recreational ocean salmon fishery, the commercial ocean troll salmon fishery, and the Pacific Fishery Management Council, has taken in-season action with respect to the recreational salmon fishery in the area from Leadbetter Point, Washington to Cape Falcon, Oregon.
ACTIONS TAKEN: Effective 12:01 AM Wednesday, September 4, 2024, through 11:59 PM Wednesday, September 4, 2024, the recreational fishery in the area between Queets River and Cape Falcon (Westport and Columbia River Subareas) is open to fishing for salmon. Daily limit of two salmon, no more than one of which may be a Chinook. All coho must be marked with a healed adipose fin clip. Chinook minimum size limit of 22 inches. Grays Harbor and Columbia River Control Zones closed.
Effective 12:01 AM Thursday, September 5, 2024, the recreational fishery in the area between Cape Falcon and Leadbetter Point (Columbia River Subarea) is closed to fishing for salmon. Possession of salmon on board a vessel is prohibited in the Columbia River Subarea.
RATIONALE: The Leadbetter Point , Washington to Cape Falcon, Oregon season was closed to angling after August 22 based on the projection that the coho harvest was likely to come very close to the remaining quota. After review of catch estimates, there were total landings of 38,394 coho leaving 1,506 coho remaining on the quota. After reviewing likely effort and catch projections, it was determined that there is enough remaining quota to open for one additional weekday.
August 28, 2024 RECREATIONAL OCEAN SALMON ACTION NOTICE: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the State of Oregon, the Pacific Fishery Management Council, and the State of California met today via conference call and have taken the following in-season management action related to the ocean recreational non-mark selective coho salmon season from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt.:
Effective 12:01 AM on Sunday, September 1, 2024, transfer 5,700 coho salmon of the impact neutral rollover of the remaining August coho salmon quota of the recreational salmon fishery in the area from Cape Falcon to the OR/CA border to the September recreational non-mark-selective fishery in the area from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mountain. This transfer increases the non-mark-selective coho salmon quota in the September 1, 2024, through September 30, 2024, recreational fishery from 25,000 non-mark-selective coho salmon to a revised quota of 30,700 coho salmon.
A provision included in the 2024 ocean adopted regulations for ocean salmon fisheries between Cape Falcon and Humbug Mt. allows for the transfer of quota remaining from the summer hatchery selective coho season to the September non-selective recreational coho season on an impact neutral basis. The most constraining stock in the transfer to the recreational fishery this season is Oregon Coast Natural (OCN) coho, and the preseason impact rates on OCN coho are not exceeded by this transfer.
August 15, 2024, COMMERCIAL TROLL SALMON ACTION NOTICE: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), the State of Oregon, the State of Washington, and fishery representatives met today via conference call and have taken the following in-season management actions related to the commercial troll salmon season from the US/Canada border to Cape Falcon:
ACTION TAKEN: Effective Thursday August 15, 2024 the landing and possession limits in the area between the U.S./Canada border and Cape Falcon will be modified to 25 Chinook and 100 marked coho per vessel per landing week (landing week defined as Thursday through Wednesday).
RATIONALE: Chinook landings have been lagging behind expectations and industry requested fishery managers to consider a modest increase to the weekly landing and possession limit to better facilitate accessing the remaining quota within the season structured dates. After review, it was determined that adjusting the weekly landing and possession limit up to 25 Chinook from the limit of 20 from the past two weeks would not create a risk of exceeding the Chinook or the coho quotas.
Additional regulations that apply to vessels fishing out of Oregon North of Cape Falcon that apply to the 2024 seasons include:
- Vessels landing into Oregon are limited to only fishing between Leadbetter Pt., WA and Cape Falcon, OR.
- Vessels landing into Oregon must possess a valid Oregon commercial license and a valid Oregon troll salmon permit.
- Vessels landing into Oregon under an Oregon license and permit are limited to locations on the Oregon side of the Columbia River upstream as far as Tongue Pt., the beaches at Gearhart/Seaside and Cannon Beach, or into Garibaldi.
- Fishers may not possess Chinook salmon South of Cape Falcon, OR that are less than 28” total length, except that fishers may possess and land Chinook salmon that meet the minimum length of 27” total length on those dates when the troll salmon season has been closed South of Cape Falcon for 48 hours or more.
Vessels landing salmon in Oregon from any season North of Cape Falcon are required to notify ODFW within one hour of delivery or prior to transport away from the port of landing by either calling 541-857-2546 or sending notification via e-mail to Notification shall include vessel name and number, number of salmon by species, port of landing and location of delivery, and estimated time of delivery.
August 15, 2024 ACTION NOTICE – Recreational Ocean Salmon: NOAA Fisheries in consultation with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, representatives from the recreational ocean salmon fishery, the commercial ocean troll salmon fishery, and the Pacific Fishery Management Council, has taken in-season action with respect to the recreational salmon fishery in the area from Leadbetter Point, Washington to Cape Falcon, Oregon.
- Effective 12:01 AM Monday, August 19, 2024 through 11:59 PM Thursday, August 22, 2024, the recreational fishery in the area between Cape Falcon and Leadbetter Point (Columbia River Subarea) is open to fishing for salmon. Daily limit of two salmon, no more than one of which may be a Chinook. All coho must be marked with a healed adipose fin clip. Chinook minimum size limit of 22 inches. Columbia River Control Zone closed.
- Effective 12:01 AM Friday, August 23, 2024, the recreational fishery in the area between Cape Falcon and Leadbetter Point (Columbia River Subarea) is closed to fishing for salmon. Possession of salmon on board a vessel is prohibited in the Columbia River Subarea.
RATIONALE AND NOTES: The season was closed to angling after August 11 based on the projection that the coho harvest was likely to come very close to the remaining quota. After review of last week’s catch estimates, there were landings of 7,134 coho leaving 3,828 coho remaining on the quota. After reviewing likely effort and catch projections, it was determined that there is enough remaining quota to open for the four weekdays.
August 8, 2024 ACTION NOTICE – Recreational Ocean Salmon: NOAA Fisheries in consultation with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, representatives from the recreational ocean salmon fishery, and the Pacific Fishery Management Council, has taken in-season action with respect to the recreational salmon fishery in the area from Leadbetter Point, Washington to Cape Falcon, Oregon.
- Recreational ocean salmon angling within the Columbia River Ocean Salmon Management Sub-area (Leadbetter Point, Washington to Cape Falcon, Oregon), closes effective 12:01 AM on Monday, August 12, 2024.
- Possession of salmon on vessels in the Columbia River Ocean Salmon Management Sub-area is prohibited at any time when the season is closed within this same area.
RATIONALE AND NOTES: The marked Coho Salmon harvest in this area is expected to approach the quota of 39,900 Coho Salmon by the end of the day on Sunday, August 11. Through Sunday, August 4 an estimated 29,028 Coho Salmon had been landed out of the quota leaving only 10,873 Coho Salmon remaining on the quota. During the week of July 29-August 4 there were an estimated 6,647 angler-trips and a harvest of 8,675 Coho Salmon and 726 Chinook Salmon for an average catch of 1.55 salmon per angler-trip. Fishery managers have been reviewing trip information from the current week of fishing and have seen a higher number of trips per day this week, but a moderate reduction in the catch rate per angler. Projected harvest for the week is for 10,420 Coho to be landed which would take the fishery to within 452 Coho of the quota as of Sunday night.
July 31, 2024, COMMERCIAL TROLL SALMON ACTION NOTICE: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), the State of Oregon, the State of Washington, and fishery representatives met today via conference call and have taken the following in-season management actions related to the commercial troll salmon season from the US/Canada border to Cape Falcon:
Effective 12:01 AM Thursday August 1, 2024 the landing and possession limits in the area between the U.S./Canada border and Cape Falcon will be modified to 20 Chinook and 100 marked coho per vessel per landing week (landing week defined as Thursday through Wednesday).
RATIONALE: Reduced landing and possession limits have been implemented to minimize the risk of exceeding the Chinook quota in the summer U.S./Canada border to Cape Falcon ocean salmon troll fishery, and with the goal of maximizing season duration and opportunity to access the coho salmon quota. Additional regulations that apply to vessels fishing out of Oregon North of Cape Falcon that apply to the 2024 seasons include:
• Vessels landing in Oregon are limited to only fishing between Leadbetter Pt., WA and Cape Falcon, OR.
• Vessels landing into Oregon must possess a valid commercial license and a valid troll salmon permit.
• Vessels landing into Oregon are limited to locations on the Oregon side of the Columbia River upstream as far as Tongue Pt., the beaches at Gearhart/Seaside and Cannon Beach, or into Garibaldi.
• Fishers may not possess Chinook salmon South of Cape Falcon, OR that are less than 28” total length, except that fishers may possess and land Chinook salmon that meet the minimum length of 27” total length on those dates when the troll salmon season has been closed South of Cape Falcon for 48 hours or more.
• Vessels landing salmon in Oregon from any season North of Cape Falcon are required to notify ODFW within one hour of delivery or prior to transport away from the port of landing by either calling 541-857-2546 or sending notification via e-mail to . Notification shall include vessel name and number, number of salmon by species, port of landing and location of delivery, and estimated time of delivery.
July 10, 2024, COMMERCIAL TROLL SALMON ACTION NOTICE: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), the State of Oregon, the State of Washington, and other regional fishery representatives met today via conference call and have taken the following in-season management actions related to the commercial troll salmon season from the US/Canada border to Cape Falcon:
Effective 12:01 AM July 11, 2024, the Chinook quota in the July-September commercial salmon troll fishery in the area between the U.S./Canada border and Cape Falcon has been reduced from 16,400 to 13,800. There are no changes to weekly landing and possession limits at this time.
RATIONALE: Harvest of Chinook in the spring fishery was 25,434, which was 834 above the spring quota of 24,600. A reduction of 2,600 to the summer quota is necessary to remain within pre-season modeled impacts, reducing that quota from 16,400 to 13,800.
Additional regulations that apply to vessels holding Oregon permits and fishing north of Cape Falcon during the 2024 season include:
- Landing and possession limits of 40 Chinook and 100 marked coho per vessel per week (landing week defined as Thursday through Wednesday).
- Vessels landing in Oregon are limited to only fishing between Leadbetter Pt., WA. and Cape Falcon, OR.
- Vessels landing into Oregon must possess a valid commercial license and a valid troll salmon permit.
- Vessels landing into Oregon are limited to locations on the Oregon side of the Columbia River upstream as far as Tongue Pt., the beaches at Gearhart/Seaside and Cannon Beach, or into Garibaldi.
- Fishers may not possess Chinook salmon South of Cape Falcon, OR that are less than 28" total length, except that fishers may possess and land Chinook salmon that meet the minimum length of 27" total length on those dates when the troll salmon season has been closed South of Cape Falcon for 48 hours or more.
- Vessels landing salmon in Oregon from any season North of Cape Falcon are required to notify ODFW within one hour of delivery or prior to transport away from the port of landing by either calling 541-857-2546 or sending notification via e-mail to Notification shall include vessel name and number, number of salmon by species, port of landing and location of delivery, and estimated time of delivery.
June 27, 2024, COMMERCIAL TROLL SALMON ACTION NOTICE: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), the State of Oregon, the State of Washington, and fishery representatives met today via conference call and have taken the following in-season management actions related to the commercial troll salmon season from the US/Canada border to Cape Falcon:
Effective 12:01 AM July 1, 2024 the landing and possession limits in the area between the U.S./Canada border and Cape Falcon will be modified to 40 Chinook and 100 marked coho per vessel for the period July 1-10, and effective 12:01 AM July 11, 2024 the landing and possession limits in the area between the U.S./Canada border and Cape Falcon will be modified to to 40 Chinook and 100 marked coho per vessel per landing week (landing week defined as Thursday through Wednesday).
RATIONALE: Reduced landing and possession limits have been implemented to minimize the risk of exceeding the Chinook quota in the summer U.S./Canada border to Cape Falcon ocean salmon troll fishery, and with the goal of maximizing season duration and opportunity to access the coho salmon quota .
Additional regulations that apply to vessels fishing out of Oregon North of Cape Falcon that apply to the 2024 seasons include:
- Vessels landing in Oregon are limited to only fishing between Leadbetter Pt., WA and Cape Falcon, OR.
- Vessels landing into Oregon must possess a valid commercial license and a valid troll salmon permit.
- Vessels landing into Oregon are limited to locations on the Oregon side of the Columbia River upstream as far as Tongue Pt., the beaches at Gearhart/Seaside and Cannon Beach, or into Garibaldi.
- Fishers may not possess Chinook salmon South of Cape Falcon, OR that are less than 28” total length, except that fishers may possess and land Chinook salmon that meet the minimum length of 27” total length on those dates when the troll salmon season has been closed South of Cape Falcon for 48 hours or more.
Vessels landing salmon in Oregon from any season North of Cape Falcon are required to notify ODFW within one hour of delivery or prior to transport away from the port of landing by either calling 541-857-2546 or sending notification via e-mail to Notification shall include vessel name and number, number of salmon by species, port of landing and location of delivery, and estimated time of delivery.
June 18, 2024 COMMERCIAL TROLL SALMON ACTION NOTICE: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), the State of Oregon, the State of Washington, and fishery representatives met today via conference call and have taken the following in-season management actions related to the commercial troll salmon season from the US/Canada border to Cape Falcon:
The commercial salmon troll fishery in the area between the U.S./Canada border and Cape Falcon will be close effective 11:59 PM Wednesday June 19, 2024 thru 11:59 PM Sunday June 30, 2024. Vessels must land and deliver their fish within 24 hours of the closure.
RATIONALE: Harvest of Chinook through June 19 is estimated at 24,382 Chinook out of the 24,600 Chinook quota leaving only 218 Chinook remaining on the quota. The fishery will close at the end of the current landing week 11:59 PM Wednesday June 19, and vessels must land and deliver their catch within 24 hours of the closure.
Additional regulations that apply to vessels fishing out of Oregon North of Cape Falcon that apply to the 2024 seasons include:
- Vessels landing in Oregon are limited to only fishing between Leadbetter Pt., WA and Cape Falcon, OR.
- Vessels landing into Oregon must possess a valid commercial license and a valid troll salmon permit.
- Vessels landing into Oregon are limited to locations on the Oregon side of the Columbia River upstream as far as Tongue Pt., the beaches at Gearhart/Seaside and Cannon Beach, or into Garibaldi.
- Fishers may not possess Chinook salmon South of Cape Falcon, OR that are less than 28” total length, except that fishers may possess and land Chinook salmon that meet the minimum length of 27” total length on those dates when the troll salmon season has been closed South of Cape Falcon for 48 hours or more.
- Vessels landing salmon in Oregon from any season North of Cape Falcon are required to notify ODFW within one hour of delivery or prior to transport away from the port of landing by either calling 541-857-2546 or sending notification via e-mail to Notification shall include vessel name and number, number of salmon by species, port of landing and location of delivery, and estimated time of delivery.
May 16, 2024 RECREATIONAL OCEAN SALMON ACTION NOTICE (2 of 2): The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), the State of Oregon, the State of California, and fishery representatives met today via conference call and have taken the following in-season management action related to the recreational ocean salmon season from the Humbug Mt. to the OR/CA Border:
All salmon caught in the area from Humbug Mt. to the OR/CA Border must be landed within the State of Oregon for any opening salmon seasons from May 16 through October 31, 2024.
Recent concerns were raised by the State of California regarding the recreational salmon fishery just across the border in Oregon. Specifically, as California has no salmon openings this year, the concerns included enforcement of the existing regulations and California’s inability to adequately monitor the fishery landings in Crescent City, CA. It is still legal for Californians to trailer their boat to an Oregon port, purchase Oregon angling licenses and catch record cards, fish within waters off Oregon, and travel back to California with their catch by land.
May 16, 2024 COMMERCIAL TROLL SALMON ACTION NOTICE (1 of 2): The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), the State of Oregon, the State of Washington, and fishery representatives met today via conference call and have taken the following in-season management action related to the commercial troll salmon season from the US/Canada border to Cape Falcon:
NMFS has modified the Chinook salmon landing and possession limits for the commercial salmon troll fishery north of Cape Falcon as follows:
Effective 12:30 PM Thursday, May 16 the following modifications are in place:
- Overall landing and possession limit for the entire area between Cape Falcon and the U.S./Canada border of 225 Chinook per vessel per landing week, defined as Thursday through Wednesday.
- Landing and possession limit in the area between the U.S./Canada border and the Queets River of 70 Chinook per vessel per landing week, defined as Thursday through Wednesday.
- Landing and possession limit in the area between the Queets River and Leadbetter Point of 225 Chinook per vessel per landing week, defined as Thursday through Wednesday.
- Landing and possession limit in the area between Leadbetter Point and Cape Falcon of 80 Chinook per vessel per landing week, defined as Thursday through Wednesday.
RATIONALE: The total Chinook landings in the area from the US/Canada Border to Cape Falcon, Oregon have been relatively slow during the first two openings with only 3,425 Chinook landed out of the overall quota of 24,600. Relative to Oregon fishers:
- Vessels landing in Oregon are limited to only fishing between Leadbetter Pt., WA and Cape Falcon, OR.
- Vessels landing into Oregon must possess a valid commercial license and a valid troll salmon permit.
- Vessels landing into Oregon are limited to locations on the Oregon side of the Columbia River to the West of Tongue Point, the beaches at Gearhart/Seaside and Cannon Beach, or into Garibaldi.
- Fishers may not possess Chinook salmon South of Cape Falcon, OR that are less than 28” total length, except that fishers may possess and land Chinook salmon that meet the minimum length of 27” total length on those dates when the troll salmon season has been closed South of Cape Falcon for 48 hours or more (those dates for the 2024 seasons are anticipated to be June 8-11, June 19-25, July 3-25, August 2-3, and August 11-31).
- All salmon must be delivered during the landing week or they will apply against the week in which they are possessed and delivered.
- Vessels landing salmon in Oregon from any season North of Cape Falcon are required to notify ODFW within one hour of delivery or prior to transport away from the port of landing by either calling 541-857-2546 or sending notification via e-mail to Notification shall include vessel name and number, number of salmon by species, port of landing and location of delivery, and estimated time of delivery.
April 24, 2024 COMMERCIAL TROLL SALMON ACTION NOTICE: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), the State of Oregon, the State of Washington, and fishery representatives met Tuesday via conference call and have taken the following in-season management action related to the commercial troll salmon season from the US/Canada border to Cape Falcon:
- The commercial troll salmon fishery for all salmon except coho from the US/Canada Border to Cape Falcon including the subarea from Leadbetter Point, Washington to Cape Falcon, Oregon will open beginning May 1. This season will follow the rules and specifications adopted by the PFMC on April 10 for the 2024 seasons. This season will continue through the earlier of June 29; the May-June overall quota of 24,600 Chinook salmon; or the Leadbetter Pt. to Cape Falcon, May-June subarea quota of 5,710 Chinook salmon (see additional regulations below).
- The minimum length for Chinook salmon beginning with the May 1, 2024 season opening from the US/Canada Border to Cape Falcon will be 27” total length (this length will apply in all open seasons in this area through May 15, 2025 unless modified by in-season action).
RATIONALE: These actions will bring the adopted seasons from the 2023 season setting process for the period of May 1-15 into compliance with the recently adopted seasons for 2024 which encompasses salmon seasons for the period of May 16, 2024 through May 15, 2025. Additional regulations that apply to vessels fishing out of Oregon North of Cape Falcon that apply to the 2024 seasons include:
- Vessels landing in Oregon are limited to only fishing between Leadbetter Pt., WA and Cape Falcon, OR.
- Only vessels with a Washington troll permit may fish within the area from Leadbetter Pt. to the Columbia River within 3 nautical miles of shore.
- Vessels landing into Oregon must possess a valid commercial license and a valid troll salmon permit.
- Vessels landing into Oregon are limited to landing locations on the Oregon side of the Columbia River West of Tongue Point, the beaches at Gearhart/Seaside and Cannon Beach, or into Garibaldi.
- Fishers may not possess Chinook salmon South of Cape Falcon, OR that are less than 28” total length, except that fishers may possess and land Chinook salmon that meet the minimum length of 27” total length from North of Cape Falcon on those dates when the troll salmon season has been closed South of Cape Falcon for more than 48 hours (those dates for the 2024 May through September seasons will be June 8-11, June 19-25, July 3-25, August 2-3, and August 11-31).
- Vessels fishing in the area between Leadbetter Pt., WA and Cape Falcon, OR are limited to no more than 60 Chinook for the period of May 1-8, and 60 Chinook per landing week (Thursday through Wednesday) from May 9 through June 29. All salmon must be delivered during the landing week in which they were caught, or they will also apply against any landing week limit in which they are possessed.
- Vessels landing salmon into Oregon from any season North of Cape Falcon are required to notify ODFW within one hour of delivery or prior to transport away from the port of landing by either calling 541-857-2546 or sending notification via e-mail to Notification shall include vessel name and number, number of salmon by species, port of landing, location of delivery, and estimated time of delivery.
4/10/2024 OCEAN SALMON ACTION NOTICE: The Pacific Fishery Management Council finalized their recommendations for 2024 ocean salmon seasons on Wednesday, April 10. The adopted seasons will be available at the PMFC’s website ( in Preseason Report III, and graphics of the Oregon recreational and commercial troll seasons are available at
Seasons from May 16, 2024 forward are not official until final approval by the Secretary of Commerce and adopted by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission for waters within 3 nautical miles of shore.
Conservation concerns for both Sacramento and Klamath River fall Chinook salmon stocks were constraints on seasons from Cape Falcon through California. This year’s Columbia basin hatchery coho salmon abundance is forecast to be less than half of the preseason forecast abundance in 2023, but the natural production forecasts for both lower Columbia River and Oregon Coastal stocks are strong with coho quotas and seasons reflecting the available abundances. Coho fisheries were most constrained by sharing of the Lower Columbia River Natural (LCN) coho and the Southern Oregon Northern California Coastal Coho (SONCC).
Recreational Season Summary:
The all-salmon season North of Cape Falcon will open on June 22 and continue through the earlier of September 30 or the hatchery mark-selective coho quota of 39,900. There is also a guideline in this area for 12,510 Chinook. The daily bag limit will be two salmon, but no more than one Chinook and all coho must have a healed adipose fin clip. Minimum length for Chinook is 22” and the coho minimum length is 16”.
Recreational Chinook seasons on the central Oregon Coast from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. opened on March 15 and will continue through October 31. During October the fishery is only open shoreward of the 40-fathom management line. The Chinook minimum length from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. is 24”.
The area from Humbug Mt. to the OR/CA Border will open for recreational Chinook on May 16 and continue through August 31. The Chinook minimum length from Humbug Mt. to the OR/CA Border is 24”.
The hatchery mark-selective coho salmon season from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. will be open from June 15 through the earlier of August 18 or the Cape Falcon to OR/CA Border quota of 45,000 adipose fin-clipped coho. There will also be a non-selective coho season from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. which will be open September 1 through the earlier of September 30 or the quota of 25,000 non-mark selective coho (clipped or unclipped coho allowed). The coho minimum length from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. is 16”.
From Humbug Mt. to the OR/CA Border, the hatchery mark-selective coho salmon season will be open from June 15 through the earlier of August 4 or the Cape Falcon to OR/CA Border quota of 45,000 adipose fin-clipped coho. The shortened coho season in this area was a result of the conservation limitations for the Southern Oregon Northern California Coastal (SONCC) coho stock. The coho minimum length from Humbug Mt. to the OR/CA Border is 16”.
All recreational anglers are limited to no more than 2 single point barbless hook per line when fishing for salmon, and for any species when salmon are on board the vessel.
Commercial Troll Season Summary:
The commercial troll salmon seasons north of Cape Falcon will have limited Chinook quotas again this year. The fishery will be managed by quotas, season length, and vessel landing week (Thurs.-Wed.) limits. The early all salmon except coho season opens May 1 and will continue through the earlier of June 29 or the overall quota of 24,600 Chinook salmon, or the Leadbetter Pt. to Cape Falcon subarea cap of 5,710 Chinook. The early season will have a 60 Chinook per vessel per landing week (Thurs-Wed) limit.
The summer all-salmon fishery north of Cape Falcon will open on July 1 and continue through the earlier of the overall Chinook quota of 16,400 Chinook or quota of 15,200 adipose fin-clipped coho. The season will open for the period of July 1-10 with open period landing and possession limits of 70 Chinook and 100 adipose fin-clipped coho. Beginning July 11, the fishery will transition to landing and possession limits of 120 Chinook and 100 adipose fin-clipped coho per vessel per week (Thurs-Wed).
Minimum lengths for the commercial troll salmon seasons north of Cape Falcon are 27” for Chinook and 16” for coho. Vessels with catch from this area must land in the area (and within the Columbia River West of Tongue Pt.) or into Garibaldi. Mandatory call-in requirements within an hour of landing are in place for all troll salmon seasons in this area. Vessels must call in to (541)857-2546 with vessel name, vessel number, number of harvested salmon by species, port of landing, destination of fish, and estimated time of delivery. The mandatory report may alternately be made by email to Oregon permitted vessels may only fish south of Leadbetter Pt., Washington and outside of 3 nautical miles of shore between the Columbia River and Leadbetter Pt., Washington.
NOTE: Any boats fishing in the area North of Cape Falcon and retaining Chinook that are greater than 27” but less than 28” must land all salmon into ports N. of Cape Falcon, except that boats may land Chinook that are less than 28” but greater than 27” into Garibaldi if the season S. of Cape Falcon has been closed more than 48 hours. The dates when the area S. of Cape Falcon will be closed to salmon fishing for more than 48 hours include: June 8-11, June 19-25, July 3-25, August 2-3, and August 11-31.
In the area from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. the all-salmon-except coho seasons will be open for the following periods: April 16-May 29; June 1-5, 12-16, & 26-30; July 26-30; Aug. 4-8; and Oct. 1-31.
There will be an all-salmon season from Sept. 1 through the earlier of Sept. 30 or the coho quota of 2,500 coho. Vessels in September and October are limited to no more than 75 Chinook per vessel per landing week (Thurs.-Wed.). In September the coho landing and possession limit is 25 coho per landing week. If the coho quota is met prior to September 30, then the season will continue for all salmon except coho. Minimum lengths from Cape Falcon to the OR/CA Border are 28” for Chinook, and 16” for coho.
Vessels landing any coho in this fishery are required to report their landing within one hour of delivery or prior to transport away from the point of landing by phone call to (541) 857-2546 with vessel name, vessel number, number of harvested salmon by species, port of landing, destination of fish, and estimated time of delivery. The mandatory report may alternately be made by email to
From Humbug Mt. to the OR/CA border, the all-salmon-except coho season will only be open April 16-30. Vessels may land catch taken in openings from the area from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. into Gold Beach or Brookings at any time during the general seasons. All salmon caught off Oregon from Cape Falcon to the OR/CA Border must be landed and delivered in the State of Oregon.
Other Information:
Both commercial troll salmon fishermen and recreational anglers should review the full regulations prior to participating in the ocean salmon fisheries. Single point barbless hooks are required in all ocean salmon seasons. Commercial salmon trollers are reminded that they are restricted to no more than 4 spreads per wire for all seasons from Cape Falcon to the OR/CA border.
March 19, 2024 INFORMATIONAL UPDATE: On March 11 the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) adopted a range of ocean salmon fishing season alternatives for the 2024 fishing year (May 16, 2024-May 15, 2025). The alternatives also reflect any seasons in effect prior to May 16 as the impacts from those seasons are assessed in the development of the coming season. Interested individuals may provide comment on the proposed season alternatives including a mix of preferences between alternatives to the PFMC through several avenues.
First, you may attend the virtual public hearing that starts at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, March 26, 2024. Details on how to attend can be found here.
Second, you may submit written testimony up until April 2, 2024 via the PFMC's Public Comment Portal until that can be found here.
Third, you may register and testify on any of the PMFC's April Meeting agenda items for the meeting in Seattle, WA that is scheduled for April 5-11. You may sign up and testify remotely at this link please make sure to review the FAQ on how to testify including timeframes and how to connect using the RingCentral app.
You may review the PFMC adopted salmon season alternatives at the following links:
March 10, 2024 COMMERCIAL TROLL SALMON ACTION NOTICE: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), the State of Oregon, the State of California, and advisory body members met today in Fresno, CA and have taken the following in-season management action related to the scheduled March and April commercial troll Chinook salmon openings off Oregon:
The commercial troll salmon fishery scheduled to open on March 15 in the areas from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. and from Humbug Mt. to the Oregon/California Border will NOT OPEN and will REMAIN CLOSED through at least April 15, 2024.
RATIONALE: The closures in the early commercial troll fisheries off Oregon were due to forecast impacts to Sacramento River fall Chinook salmon that were higher than initially anticipated. Those high impacts were of concern for the ability to develop any seasons for the remainder of 2024.
Seasons from May 16, 2024 through early May 15, 2025 are currently being developed. Any season adjustments prior to May 16 will be addressed through further inseason action. Season alternatives for the remainder of 2024 will be reviewed and a final season recommendation made at the April Pacific Fishery Management Council public meeting in Seattle from April 5-11, 2024. Interested members of the public should visit for information on how to participate in the April meeting.
ACTION TAKEN (no action): The planned ocean Chinook salmon season (all-salmon-except coho) will open as scheduled from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. from March 15 through May 15. The bag limit will be two salmon, except closed to retention of coho, with minimum size limits of 24” for Chinook and 20” for steelhead.
RATIONALE: The recreational ocean salmon fishery off Oregon in March, April, and early May typically has very low effort and Chinook catch. Fishery managers and industry representatives agreed that this opening would not create any difficulty in developing the remainder of the ocean seasons for the 2024 fishing year. Seasons from May 16, 2024 through May 15, 2025 are currently being developed. Season alternatives will be reviewed and a final season recommendation made at the Pacific Fishery Management Council public meeting in Seattle from April 5-11, 2024. Interested members of the public should visit for information on how to participate in the April meeting.
Visit for more information on Oregon's ocean salmon seasons and fisheries.
2024 OCEAN SALMON PRESEASON PLANNING MEETING NOTICE: The meeting will be held in the OSU Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building on the Hatfield Marine Science Center's campus in Newport, Oregon.
The 2024 Ocean Salmon Industry Group Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 28, 2024. This meeting will provide a review of the 2023 seasons, take a first look at the 2024 salmon forecasts, and begin the development of Oregon preferred recreational and commercial ocean salmon season concepts via public input to take forward through the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) regulation setting process. The meeting will be held both in person and virtually this year (see details below).
This meeting is open to all ocean sport fishing anglers and charter operators, commercial salmon troll fishers, and any others interested in participating in the development of the 2024 ocean salmon seasons. Staff from ODFW will provide background materials and presentations and then work with meeting attendees to develop preferred season alternatives to use as guidance moving forward through the Pacific Fishery Management Council's season setting process. The meeting is planned to start at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, February 28. It is recommended that participants attending on-line, test their system prior to the meeting to iron out any technical problems they may have.
There is also an option available to call in by phone. There will be a lunch break between approximately 12:00 PM and 1:30 PM that will also provide participants time to formulate concepts for proposals.
Links to the agenda and briefing materials for the meeting will be posted below as they come available in January and February.
Please visit the PFMC’s website at for details on their March and April meetings.
For those attending in person, the meeting will be held in the auditorium of the OSU Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building on the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon. No food or drink is allowed in the auditorium, so please plan accordingly.
Topic: 2024 Ocean Salmon Industry Group Meeting
Time: Feb 28, 2024; 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting Materials: (will be posted here as they come available):
RECREATIONAL OCEAN SALMON ACTION NOTICE, September 19, 2023: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the State of Oregon, the Pacific Fishery Management Council, and fishery representatives met today via conference call and have taken the following in-season management actions related to the ocean recreational non-mark selective coho salmon season from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt.:
- The remaining impact neutral rollover of coho remaining from the hatchery selective summer season was made to the non-mark selective September season from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. This resulted in a net transfer of 2,000 coho and a revised quota of 42,500 coho for the September season.
- The ocean recreational salmon season between Cape Falcon and Humbug Mt. reopens to the retention of coho salmon effective Thursday, September 21 at 12:01 AM through the earlier of September 30 or the revised quota of 42,500 coho.
A provision included in the 2023 ocean adopted regulations for ocean salmon fisheries between Cape Falcon and Humbug Mt. allows for the transfer of quota remaining from the summer hatchery selective coho season to the September non-selective coho season on an impact neutral basis. This year there are both commercial troll and recreational non-mark selective coho seasons within the area from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. The regulations this year stipulated that the transfer could be made to the recreational and/or the commercial troll seasons with a priority to the recreational season.
This approved transfer utilizes the remaining coho available for transfer, and all rollover has been transferred to the recreational fishery. The commercial troll fishery is not approaching their quota of 10,000 coho, with catches from September 1-18 totaling 2,350 coho. The most constraining stock in the transfer to the recreational fishery this season is the Oregon Coast Natural Coho, and the preseason impact rates on OCN coho are not exceeded by this transfer.
The recreational fishery has taken 28,885 coho through September 17, with 8,014 landed in the week of September 11-17. Forecasting the coho harvest for the remainder of the month starting on September 21 indicates that there is minimal risk to attain the remaining quota. Managers will monitor the fishery for the remainder of September and will take additional inseason action if needed. |