and will continue to grow…
this new growth can help our city become a healthy, sustainable, and thriving place
will be a plan that shapes how the city will grow and change.
Over the past year,
city planners have learned a lot from Minneapolis residents about the
One theme is:
As the city grows,
from that growth.
Historically, not everyone has.
Today, the Twin Cities has among the largest disparities among persons of color and indigenous peoples compared with white people in poverty rates, homeownership, employment, and level of education.
This plan is one opportunity to undo barriers & overcome inequities created by a history of policies in our city that have prevented equitable access to housing, jobs, and investments.
Working together, we can change this.
As jobs increase, make sure we have enough places for new businesses close to where Minneapolis residents live.
Provide better mass transit to places of employment.
Working together, we can change this.
These orange neighborhoods were considered ‘affordable’ for rental (based on average income by race).
Areas Affordable in 2000 for:
Black or African American

Hispanic or Latino


Areas Affordable in 2014 for:
Black or African American

Hispanic or Latino


Working together, we can change this.
Build a wider variety of housing types at all affordability levels.
Increase the supply of housing to help keep all housing more affordable.
Retrofit existing buildings to reduce energy consumption and dependency on fossil fuels.
Ensure that new buildings are as energy efficient as possible.
Build more housing, retail, and places for employment, especially near mass transit.
Ensure people can get goods and services close to where they live by building more stores in under-served areas.
Ensure the city’s streets prioritize walking, bicycling, and mass transit.
Make the city more pleasant for walking and continue to build a system of protected bike lanes.
this new growth can help our city become a healthy, sustainable, and thriving place