Applications now being accepted for Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board subcommittees


Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) is seeking applications for volunteers to serve on subcommittees of the Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board (OPAB). Subcommittees will consist of both Governor-appointed board members and members who are appointed through an open application process. The Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board will select subcommittee members during their August 4, 2023, meeting.

For more information, please see the attached letter and application form.

If you are interested in applying to serve on a subcommittee, please submit the application form to by Friday, June 23rd, 2023.

If you need these written materials in other languages, braille, large print, or other formats, please contact: / (971) 673-0322.

Thanks for helping us spread the word,

The Oregon Psilocybin Services Team