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Organization: Dept of Health Services (DHS)
Publish Dates: 9/29/2022 through 10/26/2022
Category: Grants County:
Sub Category: Proposals Municipality:
Region: Entire State Status: Archived
Improving Routine Vaccination Uptake for Adults Through Community Outreach
Vaccinations are a critical tool in preventing and mitigating the spread of diseases within the community. Vaccine-preventable diseases can cause long-term illness, hospitalization, and may lead to death, especially among older adults. Adults need to keep their vaccinations up to date and ensure they have received all vaccines recommended for their age or health condition. For the past few years much of the focus has been on getting our communities vaccinated against COVID-19. Simultaneously, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) encourages adults over the age of 19 to stay up to date with routine vaccinations and catch-up on any doses that have been missed. As adults begin to return to work and communal activities are occurring again, it is imperative that adults continue to stay immunized against vaccine-preventable diseases, such as influenza, Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap).

Wisconsin data shows that fewer people have received their routine vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the average number of people vaccinated between 2015-2019, with adults 19 years and older having a greater decline in the number of routine vaccines received. Nationally, data shows that disparities in severe flu outcomes were greater in adults. It is estimated that between 70 percent and 85 percent of seasonal flu-related deaths have occurred in people 65 years and older, and between 60 percent and 70 percent of seasonal flu-related hospitalizations have occurred among people in this age group. Additionally, vaccination rates continue to remain low or stagnant in communities of color with racial and ethnic minorities* having lower vaccination coverage compared to non-Hispanic White adults.

The State of Wisconsin is building on the success of employing trusted messengers in community-based organizations to conduct outreach in areas with low COVID-19 vaccine rates as part of the Moving Forward Together Grant Program. The State recognizes that the experts in community-based organizations are best-positioned to promote routine vaccinations among historically marginalized and underserved communities as was demonstrated during the COVID-19 vaccination efforts. Outreach efforts must include strategies to ensure that vaccines are accessible to communities that face barriers accessing medical care and people who have historical mistrust of the medical community and vaccines.

The successful awardees shall assist DHS with its mission to protect and promote the health and safety of people in Wisconsin. More specifically, the proposed projects will support the Bureau of Communicable Diseases’ (BSD) goal to prevent those communicable diseases for which immunizations are available. The goal of this RFA is to promote vaccine education and strengthen community engagement, particularly in communities with disproportionate vaccination rates with outcomes of increased routine vaccination uptake among adults.
Related Links:
Budget Template
Grant Exemption #03
NGA Imm Yr4
Performance Measurements Template
Revision History:
9/29/2022 8:12:44 AM Jesenia Rivera Attachment added.
9/29/2022 8:13:05 AM Jesenia Rivera Attachment added.
9/29/2022 8:13:27 AM Jesenia Rivera Attachment added.
9/29/2022 8:13:46 AM Jesenia Rivera Attachment added.
* 9/29/2022 8:14:29 AM Jesenia Rivera Attachment added.
* Currently displayed